Tired of female protagonists? Finally you can see the Disney film about Prince Charming

Disney’s Prince Charming Movie: A Cheeky Take

Hold onto your tiaras, folks! Disney has heard your desperate cries of “not another princess flick!” and decided to sprinkle some royal testosterone into the mix. Yes, you heard it right: Prince Charming is getting his own film! Now, before you start snickering and thinking of all the princes with questionable hairstyles, let’s dissect this cheeky little proposition.

The Curious Case of Prince Charming

For the uninitiated, Prince Charming isn’t a specific prince; oh no, he’s more like a collective term for every prince that ever swooped in with a glimmering smile, a dazzling sword, and slightly questionable timing. You know, the kind that shows up right when the story’s gone south, possibly while wearing a bobblehead crown. Think of him as the fairy tale version of a paramedic, minus the knowledge of CPR—as if charming really can save a damsel from danger!

The Shift in Focus

Now it seems Disney is ready to give the fellows some face time, stepping away from damsels in distress to let our friend Charming take center stage. Finally, a storyline where the prince doesn’t just wear a “Supportive Boyfriend” badge! By the looks of it, we’re in for a journey that might just lead Charming into the depths of his own character development—who knows, there might be some deep-seated emotional baggage buried under that glimmering armor!

Behind the Scenes: The Dream Team

The film will be directed by Paul King, the mastermind behind the cuddly and charismatic Paddington films. So, we can rest assured that this prince might just come with a side order of delightful humor and genuinely relatable moments. And let’s be honest, after a certain Will Smith genie debacle, we need someone we can trust to handle magical narratives—and it seems King is up to the task!

Scriptwriters: Simon Barnaby & Jon Croker

With the writing duo of Simon Barnaby and Jon Croker in the mix, we’re likely to get some quirky dialogue along with a potentially absurd twist. Are we ready to have a prince dealing with elements of doubt, insecurity, and perhaps—dare I say it—a passion for baking? A charming prince who can whisk is a new level of fairy tale heroism!

What’s Next? Animation or Live-Action?

At this point, speculation is rife. Will it be live action, where we can watch the hilariously awkward chemistry between Prince Charming and his royal cast, or animated, where he can be more flexible than a yoga instructor? Given the recent successes of visually stunning animated adventures, your guess is as good as mine! And who knows, perhaps a certain Timothée Chalamet will don the crown and provide a fairy-tale twist that sends hearts fluttering—just imagine the swoon-worthy songs we could get!

Are You Intrigued?

So, are we excited for a film where the shoe fits a prince instead of a princess? Will we see Charming save himself for a change, or will he still be hanging around for backup like some well-meaning, underutilized sidekick? It’s all up in the air! Let us know in the comments your thoughts on this cheeky reversal of roles. Are you ready for more Prince and less Princess? Or is this yet another charming distraction in the world of movie magic?

And if you’re wondering about Disney’s other projects, there’s always the ongoing saga of Snow White getting an update that’s anything but, well, white! You can’t make this stuff up!

Source: Deadline

Are you a little tired of remakes and new adaptations dedicated to celebrities Disney princesses? The house of Mickey Mouse has listened to you and has put together another film that will bring a famous character back to the big screen, yes, but this time entirely male. For the first time, Prince Charming will have his own movie.

As many will know, this title does not indicate just one specific character, but a series of recurring men in popular and especially fairy tale fiction. Often deus ex machina of princesses in danger, Prince Charming he usually arrives when the situation seems lost to defeat witches, stepmothers and other enemies. Some of the most famous versions were also seen in Disney Classics such as Cinderella (the most famous, probably), Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs e Obviously Sleeping Beauty.

That character, so important for the development of fairy tales but often secondary, has now found space as the protagonist in a new film whose details are still under lock and key, but according to sources it will not be linked to a princess to be saved. However, we already know who will be in charge of it: it is nothing less than Paul Kingdirector of the two films of Paddington and fresh from the enormous success of Wonka at Christmas 2023.

I’m working on the script Simon Barnaby e Jon Crokerbut at the moment it is not yet clear whether the project will be live-action or animated. Given the recent boom of the prequel to The Chocolate Factory, however, it seems easy to speculate on the possible outcome of Timothée Chalamet for the role of Prince Charming, with whom he shares many fairy-tale traits.

What do you think? Are you intrigued by the idea of ​​a Disney film no longer focused on the princesses but on the Prince? Tell us yours, as always, in the comments.

Read also: Snow White, revealed why the new princess will not be “white as snow”

Source: Deadline




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