Tips to take care of the oppressive heat: Properly nourish and hydrate the body and mind – Health and Well-being

Summer is that time of the year par excellence in which most take a break and disconnect from the daily routine that is generated around work and the children’s school. This, in itself, already causes the entire routine that had been maintained to be disrupted, even the exercise and diet suffer, losing a little the desire to train regularly and take care of eating, attentive to the frequent outings typical of this height of the year, trips, dinners with friends, among others. By the Lic. in Psychology Mailén Barreto, Mariela Garabello and Melody Varisco.

If we add to this the excessive heat that is characteristic, and the fact that there are less common hours, the reality is that it is very difficult to find the necessary motivation to regularly maintain a healthy diet and frequent physical activity, since the situation itself It is most inopportune for this purpose.

So how do you not lose motivation and self-care routines, even on vacation? Some suggestions to achieve this below:

1. Adapt to the particular situation that each one has and generate a new routine for this new situation. Surely at this time the working hours change, because you are on vacation or with more intensive hours, etc. In short, the routine that had been having, suddenly, changes. Therefore, it is important to consider what the options really are and adapt a new training and eating routine to this new situation.

2. Find a more or less fixed schedule. Once it’s clear what these realistic options are, it’s a good idea to set a schedule. You may have to go from training 5 times to 3 per week, or perhaps reduce the time spent exercising, or some other variation. Be that as it may, establishing a fixed schedule helps to maintain the routine, and, therefore, the habit that took so much effort to acquire is not lost, since the price of abandoning it is very high and resuming it is much more difficult than before.

3. Try new activities according to the new situation. If you are on summer vacation, being able to do different water activities, whether in the pool, in the river or in the sea, walks on the beach, outdoors, etc. Any related activity is a great option to exercise in a different, fun and refreshing way.

4. Choose a time and a cool place if the heat is very oppressive. One of the biggest demotivators of summer is the great heat, and more and more people are truly suffering from it. Therefore, when considering the training schedule, it is recommended to do it at a time of day when it is not too hot, such as early or late in the day. If it is not possible to train at that time, finding a cool place, such as an air-conditioned gym, a swimming pool, or simply training in the shade can work.

5. Seek help, seek allies. The company of another person with the same interests is always beneficial as far as motivation is concerned, being able in many cases to facilitate the achievement of the activity to be carried out by the simple fact of sharing it with someone. Setting the commitment with another, not only with oneself, is a great ally in moments of weakness or hypobulia.

6. The last suggestion, and the most important, is that, before each excuse or pretext that arises to avoid following these self-care routines, one must stop to think with full awareness and responsibility regarding what that minimum time that is spent in the week implies in the week. dedicate, for example, to that particular exercise that one resists, and the enormous benefits that come with making this effort once and for all.

This action has to be a daily decision, so that it can be automated and become a habit, only then it will not cost effort to sustain it since it will happen automatically. It is regarding taking small daily steps, imperceptible, but firm, towards the goal. It is not a matter of performing a great feat, but of doing a little each day. The effort accumulates, that little bit accumulates, and in the long run it all adds up.

It is often thought that huge success requires equally big action. The paradoxical thing is that, in reality, they are small habits, which sustained over time generate big changes. Conduct, perseverance and time are keys that, if sustained daily, the results come by themselves.

What place does water occupy in the daily routine?
It is important to highlight an essential component to take into account. Faced with this irregular time in terms of routines, and the excessive heat that is suffered, it is essential to stay hydrated. Get used to drinking water.

Numerous investigations have shown the relationship between dehydration and peaks of stress and anxiety.

Low water consumption is related to increased stress, depression and confusion, in addition to interfering with sleep, intellectual capacity and general mood, at all ages. Therefore, its effects not only have an impact on a physiological level, but also on a psychological, cognitive and emotional level.

Therefore, drinking enough water should be part of the daily routine. It should become a habit, as it helps keep you in good physical and mental condition, which is important for hydration to become part of the overall commitment to self-care.
NdR: Article published in the Educational Material of Icarus Centro de Salud & Longevidad, February 2023.



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