Tips to get rid of bad breath by eating pickles

A large percentage of people suffer from the appearance of odor the mouth Bad breath and this causes extreme embarrassment, and this matter is due to many reasons, most notably eating some foods that cause this matter, including onions and garlic, and also this person may suffer from harmful bacteria in the teeth, and other reasons.

The report explained the post on the “healthline” site, all related to bad breath.

The report indicated that there are many causes for bad breath, including the presence of bacteria in the oral cavity, whose activity increases and becomes more capable of multiplying when neglected. Cleaning teeth It is one of the leftovers, as it relies on it as food for it, and therefore it causes the issuance of an unpleasant smell, as well as a lot of eating raw onions and garlic.

The report emphasized that eating pickles may be one of the most prominent things that help remove bad breath, and the reason is that they contain antimicrobial properties and help combat and eliminate oral bacteria, and that pickles contain a high percentage of probiotics, which some studies have confirmed their role in combating. Bad breath, due to its antibacterial properties.

The report indicated that the vinegar contained in the pickle helps to fight the bacteria that cause bad breath, because it contains strong acids. This also applies to the percentage of salt in the pickle, which works to reduce harmful bacteria, eliminate bad breath, and also preserve Gum health.

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