Tips to avoid gas in the morning hours

It is natural for the body to produce gases throughout the day, especially in the digestive transit, when chewing and processing food. According to experts from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, an entity attached to the National Institutes of Health of the United States, there are a variety of causes that can cause the accumulation of this compound in the blood.

The entity indicates that, among the conditions that cause the generation of gases, The way of chewing, the ingredients in the diet, such as soft drinks, as well as lifestyle habits, including smoking, are listed.

When the discomfort is due to these practices, the good thing is that they can be adjusted and changed in time, to avoid gas in the morning hours. Instead, There are times when the discomfort is caused by more serious conditions and must be treated by a professional, such as poor digestion that leads to the accumulation of bacteria in the intestines, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

The entity indicates that among the conditions that cause the generation of gases, the way of chewing, the ingredients within the diet such as soft drinks, as well as lifestyle habits, including smoking, are listed. – Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto

These conditions can only be diagnosed by a doctor, so it is advisable to see a specialist in case the gases are recurrent and are accompanied by pain, general discomfort and irritation when eating.

How to prevent gases in the morning hours?

Changes in eating habits can facilitate the work of the digestive system and, with it, the accumulation of gases in the body is mitigated. In addition to reducing the consumption of soft drinks, which by their very composition contribute to the formation of this element in the body, it is also advisable to pay attention to the way in which food is eaten.

In this regard, from the health entity Mayo Clinic indicate that when chewing air enters through the mouth; the more open your mouth is when you eat, the more likely gas will leak out. Now, the same thing happens if you chew quickly. In this sense, the recommendation of the experts is that, when eating, people try to do it calmly and try to chew food well.

“It is important to make five meals a day and take time to make them, at least 20 minutes,” they add from the portal Take care Plus, so it is also essential to establish schedules for each dish during the day and stick to them.

One of the mistakes that is frequently made is eating following hours, because, as indicated by the Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare of Paraguay, this bad habit can lead to obesity and increase the risk of suffering from serious conditions.

It may also be of interest…

Frequently, the lunch or dinner space can also be a time to talk with co-workers, friends or family, with the aim of advancing the day’s agenda. But there yes, as they say colloquially, “you should not talk with your mouth full”, because, if you hold a conversation while eating, it is possible that more air enters through the digestive tract, causing discomfort later.

On the other hand, from Mayo Clinic suggest giving up smoking, as well as constantly chewing gum, because with these practices air is also filtered between the openings made by the mouth. “When you eat gum or pills, you swallow more often. Part of what you are swallowing is air”, indicate the specialists.

It has been said that food is essential to maintain people’s health; This advice not only refers to choosing the ingredients properly, but also to the way in which the food is consumed.



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