Tips for Waking Up Early and Feeling Refreshed: How to Establish a Morning Routine

2023-06-15 21:30:15

Here are some tips you can try to wake up early in the morning. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]

Many people set their alarms early to make good use of their morning hours, but end up hitting the snooze button and falling back to sleep. How can I get out of bed in a more refreshed mood in the morning while securing the necessary sleep time?

Tips to try to get up early in the morning were introduced by the American health information media ‘Everyday Health’.

1. You clearly know why you want to get up early in the morning

To make any change in your life lasting, including what happens on time, you need to clearly define why it is important to you. What motivates you to get up in the morning? It might be because you want to have breakfast with your family, or it might be because you want to exercise. Or maybe it’s because you want to get away from the stress of being late every morning. First of all, make it clear why you want to wake up at that time.

2. Simplify your morning routine to free up time

If you wake up in the morning and know what you want to do, try cutting down on what you have to do in the morning. This way, you can set the alarm even a few minutes later. If you decide to wake up early and have a meal with your family, save time by picking out clothes, shoes, and bags for the night before. If you stand in line for 15 minutes at a cafe every morning to buy coffee, you can use the coffee machine to cut that time and get 15 more minutes of sleep.

3. Know your body clock well

If you’ve been sleep deprived for a while, you may not know how much sleep your body wants. Our bodies usually make changes to our anticipation of going to bed, such as dropping our body temperature and heart rate, and secreting melatonin an hour or two before going to bed. One way to figure out the optimal amount of sleep for you is to set a regular bedtime. This is good regarding 8 hours before the alarm goes off. Then set aside time for several weeks, including weekends, to see how well your body responds.

4. Turn off the TV and electronic devices before going to bed

Getting ready for bed is a gradual process of relaxing. If you want to wake up early in the morning, you need to get enough sleep throughout the night, but if you watch videos on TV, computers, and cell phones until you go to bed, you can’t sleep comfortably. Turn off all devices at least an hour before going to bed.

5. Wake up in the morning and get bright light

Waking up in the morning and getting bright light for an hour or two can help your body’s clock accept the wake-up time. Sunlight is great, but artificial light can be used if the weather is cold, dark, or rainy. If possible, take a walk in the morning sun. It will improve your mood and help you sleep.

6. Streamline your evening schedule

Reflect on your day and think regarding how you are spending your evening. You may need to change some activities in the evening to get a good night’s sleep. For example, even if following dinner is the only time you can go to the gym, working out during that time can interfere with sleep. In this case, adjust your schedule to see if you can’t exercise at a different time.

7. Evaluate what affects your sleep

Sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea, or health problems, such as allergies and depression, reduce the quality of sleep. No matter how hard you try to go to bed on time and wake up early, you may still feel tired in the morning and sleepy during the day. Get tested for any underlying medical conditions that may be making it difficult for you to sleep.

8. It makes the snooze button harder to hit

Once you’ve figured out what the obstacles are to getting you to bed on time, it’s time to create obstacles that will force you out of bed. If you keep your alarm next to your bed so you can reach the snooze button while lying down, you’re more likely to press the button and go back to sleep when the alarm goes off. Place an alarm clock or cell phone at the opposite end of the bedroom. To turn off the alarm, you have to force yourself to get out of bed.

9. Stick to a sleep and wake schedule, even on weekends

When Friday night comes, you can wake up thinking you can sleep in the next day. However, if you force yourself to sleep on the weekend, you will be more sleepy the following week. This is because this habit interferes with the natural body clock. No matter what time you go to bed and wake up on weekdays, you must adhere to them even on weekends. According to a study published in the journal Chronobiology International, sticking to a bedtime routine on the weekend makes it easier to fall asleep during the week and wake up in the morning.

10. Log your sleep and evaluate it weekly

Keep track of how you feel and what efforts you are making toward a better sleep routine. Do you feel more energetic and better? Or are you still sleepy? After trying the new method for a week or so, look at your records. If the schedule you’re implementing now works for you, go ahead with it. If it doesn’t, try another method. Don’t expect it to be perfect. Be kind to yourself as you learn how to make these important lifestyle changes.

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