Tips for Preventing and Treating Depression and Anxiety in University Students

2023-06-05 20:29:57

4 tips for reconciling with yourself

Young people stepping into university life from middle school stage need to experience all-round changes in learning environment and mode, interpersonal and family relationship, economy, etc., which are more likely to cause emotional diseases such as depression and anxiety; they are introverted, negative thinking, perfectionism and Drinking, smoking, and drug abuse are among the high-risk groups. To effectively treat depression and anxiety problems, in addition to taking medicine, it is necessary to solve the patient’s psychological and stress dilemma.

Chen Junna, a specialist in psychiatry, said that as early as more than 20 years ago, there was a local study indicating that the anxiety and depression of young people aged 15 to 24 ranked first among all age groups. A local questionnaire survey in 2018 also showed that 27% and 20% of college students had symptoms of depression and anxiety at moderate or higher levels, respectively. Compared with the 13.3% results of the survey on the prevalence of the disease, college students’ emotional problems deserve social attention.

精神科專科醫生 陳君訥

Chen Junna, a specialist in psychiatry

Symptoms appear at a young age

In fact, many symptoms of mental illness appear earlier than in youth. The status of college students changes from student to adult, which adds a lot of pressure and easily induces emotional problems. Take the change of learning mode as an example. The learning mode of middle school is more passive. There are clear examination scopes, and the emphasis is on studying papers.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, especially college students who are studying abroad, they do not know new friends or familiarize themselves with the environment at first, so they tend to feel lonely. Even in Hong Kong, following going to university, you will face a new environment and new classmates, and the classrooms are mainly large class lectures, so it is difficult to get acquainted with classmates. Some young people also have their first taste of love at the university level, and they may not be mature enough to deal with problems between couples. In addition, some students have to borrow government funding to study for university, or do part-time jobs to earn living expenses, which are unprecedented experiences. Some people even have access to drugs and alcohol, both of which increase the risk of emotional instability.

Medication has an adaptation period

Chen Junna pointed out that following taking antidepressants, the symptoms of patients with emotional disorders will be significantly improved. Symptoms such as loss of appetite and other unadapted symptoms will gradually improve following adaptation.” In fact, depression itself brings more distress to patients than physical discomfort, so active treatment is the only way out of depression.


Mental Health

4 Tips to Protect Your Mental Health

To protect mental health, doctors offer the following tips:

1. Positive thinking
People generally resist, exclude or even disastrously negativity, failure, and adversity, and regard it as a bad thing; if they regard it as an opportunity to learn and experience life, and face it with a positive attitude, they will later find that life has become better because of these experiences. Ripe and complete.

2. Do more positive behaviors
Schedule time for regular work, rest and exercise. Cultivating exercise habits can help regulate brain transmission substances to maintain mental health. Setting goals during exercise will also produce a sense of success and positive emotions following completion. Arranging a fixed time to participate in social and leisure activities is an effective buffer once morest unsatisfactory and negative emotions; regular mindfulness training also makes it easier to accept or transition negative emotions.

3. Emphasis on interpersonal connection
Harvard University research found that having close and positive interpersonal relationships is closely related to happiness, so spend time building close relationships, strengthening and expanding your circle of friends.

4. Live a meaningful life
Set some achievable goals and try to achieve them. Learn new things or skills, volunteer to help others, help others and help yourself at the same time.

Online Tools for Self-Assessment

The doctor reminds that having depressive symptoms does not mean that you have depression. For depression, you should first pay attention to whether the symptoms last for more than two weeks and whether they affect your daily life, such as being unable to go to school, study or have normal social relationships. In addition, depending on whether the number and degree of symptoms meet the definition of depression, citizens can refer to the relevant online tools of the Medical and Health Bureau for self-assessment (website:, if in doubt, seek professional help.

Originally published on AM730

#tips #reconciling



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