Tips for a Healthy Plate: Meat, Dairy, and Vegetables

2023-06-10 04:15:00

Meat provides us with protein a you iron. If you exclude it from your plate, focus on other animal products such as eggs. And of course the fish which also provides iron and omega 3, protective for the cardiovascular system.

Finally, dairy products must complete the menu: milk, cheeses, yoghurts, cottage cheeses, etc.

Beyond that, also aim for another family of foods: dry vegetables. “Beans, broad beans, lentils, chickpeas… These are foods that are naturally rich in fiber and contain protein (vegetable therefore, editor’s note)”, reports Public Health France on the site Eat Move.

“It is recommended to consume it at least twice a week. They can replace meat from time to time. In this case, it is advisable to associate them with a cereal product such as in a salad of red beans and corn, a vegetarian couscous with chickpeas or a lentil curry accompanied by rice”.

On the stove!

Also bet on starchy foods or whole grain products. Foods such as wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, brown rice, etc., also contain protein, as well as a lot of fiber. Test different recipes and foods. And above all, cook yourself rather than buying “ready-made” dishes.

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