2023-09-06 09:00:00
Written by Fatima Yasser Wednesday, September 06, 2023 12:00 PM
The colon is located in the digestive system, and it has a great effect on the human body, as it is responsible for carrying the waste present in food to expel it outside the body, and when these wastes are imprisoned inside the colon for a long time, the person is exposed to disorders and health problems.
Regarding this, Dr. Mahmoud Ali, a consultant of the digestive system and liver at Kasr Al-Ainy, indicated that the colon is the part responsible for absorbing water and vitamins from nutrients, in addition to getting rid of waste through the excretion process, but sometimes disturbances occur in it, so instead of getting rid of harmful substances, it absorbs them, causing complications. Such as headache, stomach full of gases, and constipation, which affects human health and activity.
The gastroenterologist provided some tips and tricks that help treat and clean the colon, including:
Yogurt helps to digest food on a regular basis, as it contains beneficial bacteria that work to kill harmful bacteria in the colon, and facilitates bowel movement so that waste does not accumulate inside the colon, so if you suffer from colon disorders, you should add it to your diet.
Drinking more water:
Water improves the digestion process, reduces the chances of constipation, and solves the problems of waste accumulation, so you should drink 10 to 12 cups of water.
More fiber intake:
Eat a lot of foods rich in fiber, because it has a great role in improving the digestion process, and it also helps to clean the colon and get rid of toxins, so be sure to eat vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, such as apples and pears, to get a good and healthy colon health.
#Tips #cleaning #cleansing #colon #toxins #gastroenterologist