Tips and Strategies for Achieving a Top Grade in EBAU and Pursuing a Career in Medicine: Insights from Medical Students at UAM

2024-01-14 15:20:00

Dedication, perseverance and sacrifice. These are the three characteristics that medical students consider “essential” for the high school students that are found preparing the EBAU achieve the grade that allows them access to the career of their dreams. The experiences and advice of those who have already traveled this path are fundamental, and therefore from Medical Writing We have interviewed several students from the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) with the aim of compiling the best advice that helped them to get a grade of ten in the selective.

One of these students claims that she, since she was little, “it was already clear” that she wanted to study medicine. “What I did in the first and second year of high school was a long-distance race. You can’t start at full strength in first year and be dying in second year, you have to go little by little, keep things up to date and this way, when you get to the exam, you have a general idea of ​​everything,” he explained.

Seeking strategies that allow for better retention of such an extensive agenda is essential. This has been highlighted by a future doctor of second year of Medicine, who ‘relied’ on the use of mnemonic rules” in its preparation for the EBAU. “One of the formulas that worked best for me was to do the most practical exams at the beginning of the study and the most theoretical I left them until the end, so I had all that fresher content for the day of the exam,” he explained.

Social life during EBAU preparation

As advice for those students who have already decided that they want to pursue a career in Medicine, one of the students who participated in the report stated that they should forget, “a little” about the social relationships and focus on “studying hard” the year of the test. “At the end of the day it is a year of your life and it will give you the opportunity to pursue the career you want. One has to sacrifice to enter“, has underlined.

Still, prepare EBU It is not synonymous with not having a social life. It is true that it is necessary to reduce it, but not eliminate it, nor do each person’s hobbies. This has been highlighted by another first-year medical student, who has recommended to future doctors that, in addition to “completing high school,” it is key that they rest “a lot” and that do sports to de-stress. “Whenever I finished studying I would run to let off steam. It is a very important process because if you are stressed the performance is not what you want,” she acknowledged.

Going blank during the EBAU exam

About the idea of To stay blank Faced with such an important exam, this future doctor has sent a reassuring message trying to discard that idea. In her opinion, the most important thing is to go with “as much peace as possible.” the day of the test because “nerves always cause inconveniences.”

“They don’t let us give the best of ourselves. It is understandable to have them because the test is impressive and their grade is what the future will hold for you, but my advice is that they think that they are in high school, that they are taking a normal and ordinary exam, and that, if they have managed to get very good grade there, they will also do it at the EBAU”, he concluded.

Although it may contain statements, data or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in Medical Writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader that any health-related questions be consulted with a healthcare professional.

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