Tips and Advice to Prevent Hypertension: The Role of Diet and Lifestyle

2023-10-05 12:33:17

In total, 1.28 billion people worldwide aged 30 to 79 are affected by hypertension, according to data from theOMS. A worrying figure which might easily be revised downward by changing a few small daily habits. As health organizations keep reminding us, our diet plays an important role in the occurrence of this disease. And concretely, it is foods that are too salty that should be banned because they would disrupt the natural balance of sodium in the body.

To best guide the French in their future choices, Medicine has compiled a list of foods to be wary of. And first of all, we find, without much surprise, soy sauce. Close behind are pickles, canned stew, industrial soup and bread, foods that are therefore best avoided or eaten sparingly.

VIDEO – Health Report – Dr Christian Recchia: “30% of people suffering from hypertension are unaware of it. It’s dramatic”

Pay attention to your lifestyle

As a reminder, hypertension (high blood pressure) corresponds to too high pressure in the blood vessels (140/90 mmHg or more). It is common and can be serious if left untreated. Note that factors other than diet can increase the risk of high blood pressure such as genetic background, being overweight or obese, lack of physical activity, excessive alcohol consumption and age.

Note that very high blood pressure can, in some cases, cause headaches, blurred vision, chest pain and other symptoms. As soon as the first symptoms appear, it is therefore strongly recommended to consult your general practitioner because if hypertension is not treated, it can lead to other health problems such as kidney disease, heart disease and accidents. cerebral vascular.

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To avoid getting to this point, you can act now by changing your lifestyle. It is therefore advisable to eat more vegetables and fruits, sit for less time, and be more physically active by practicing activities such as walking, running, swimming, dancing or any other activity. But also to lose weight if you are obese or overweight or to regularly consult a health professional.

VIDEO – True/False: 5 preconceived ideas regarding hypertension

#soy #sauce #worst



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