Tips against food waste (no more throwing away food)

2023-06-30 16:30:16

Food waste is a major problem in many countries, with millions of tons of food thrown away every year. To help reduce food waste, here are some practical tips to follow:

Plan your meals

Meal planning is a simple yet effective way to reduce food waste and help save the environment, by planning your meals in advance not only can you buy only the ingredients you need and avoid buying excess foods that are at risk of spoiling, but you can also choose foods that have been produced sustainably and responsibly.

By planning your meals, save time and money by avoiding impulse purchases and frequent trips to the supermarket, vary your meals by incorporating fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits, which can improve your health and well-being .

You can also be more creative in the kitchen and try new recipes, it can be a great opportunity to spend time with family or friends, sharing pleasant moments while learning new cooking skills.

Meal planning is a simple but beneficial habit that can have a positive impact on your health, your wallet and the environment, so it is recommended that you try to plan your meals in advance and reap all the benefits that it can offer.

Store food properly

One of the major contributing factors to food waste is poor food storage, to avoid this make sure to store food in airtight containers and store it in appropriate places, fruits and vegetables should be kept in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator, while dry goods should be stored in airtight containers at room temperature.

Note that the way food is prepared can also contribute to food waste, it is often recommended to cut fruits and vegetables just before eating them, as this prolongs their life, it is important to read the expiry dates carefully food and consume it before its expiry date to avoid wasting it.

Another way to reduce food waste is to plan your meals in advance, by having an idea of ​​what you are going to eat for the week, you can buy the necessary foods and avoid impulse purchases which might lead to wasted food. , by preparing appropriate portions, you avoid cooking too much food that might end up being thrown away.

Use leftovers

Don’t throw away leftover food!

Not only is it bad for the environment but it can also be a waste of money, when you throw away food you also throw away the money you spent to buy it, instead you You can use leftovers to make delicious new dishes and save money.

If you have leftover vegetables you can cook them with rice to make a tasty side dish, or you can use them to make a soup or salad, if you have leftover meat you can use them to make a sandwich or wrap, add vegetables and sauces to create new tastes and textures. Use leftover bread to make croutons for soup or salad.

Don’t throw away leftover food, use it to save money and create delicious new dishes, with a little creativity you can turn every leftover into a new meal.

Your wallet and the planet will thank you!

Shop responsibly

When you go shopping, pay attention to the shelf life of the foods you buy, in addition to avoiding bulk purchases that risk spoiling before you have had a chance to consume them, choose foods whose shelf life shelf life is longer.

Root vegetables like carrots and potatoes can be stored for several weeks in a cool, dry place, while fruits like apples and oranges can be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks as well.

For fresh foods such as meat and fish, be sure to check the expiry date and consume them within days of purchase, by following these simple tips you can avoid food waste and save money. money on your groceries.

Compost your food waste

If you can’t use food scraps, don’t throw them in the trash, instead compost them to reduce your carbon footprint and create natural fertilizer for your garden, composting can be a fun activity for kids. children and a great opportunity to teach young people the principles of sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Using compost to feed houseplants or plants in your garden to help them grow stronger and healthier, composting is a great alternative to chemical fertilizers, which can be expensive and harmful to the environment.

By following these simple tips, you can dramatically reduce food waste in your home, not only is it good for the environment, but it can also help save money on your grocery bills.

So, stop throwing away food and adopt more responsible habits!

#Tips #food #waste #throwing #food



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