Discover all the locations of the Freshness of Sobbing dice and scrolls in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. They are very important to increase your chance of acquiring legendary weapons!
All Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands dice locations
To be as efficient as possible, we have produced for you a complete map of La Fraicheur des Sanglots with the locations clearly visible. A number is associated with them so that you can discover in detail further down in the article how to easily obtain them.
All dice positions
1 An easily accessible first die
Right next to a tree upon entering the area is the first die.
2 The village dice up
This second die is located above a house in one of the first villages when you turn directly to your right.
3 A die on a bridge
With a very easily identifiable location on the map, you will find this die on a pontoon.
4 Gargamel’s house dice
To reach this die you will have to at least launch the “Shprumf” quest.
To the left of the house is a ruined room with a dice.
5 First platform die
In Chill of Sorrows many dice are accessible only through mushroom-shaped platforms.
Here is the one you have to jump on to reach a die once at the top.
6 The Waterfall Die
In a narrow corridor is at its end an additional die.
It is not really hidden or complex to reach.
7 The platform with a waterfall
Quite easily visible and without difficulty of access is a platform which hides a new die.
8 A die behind a wall
This die is not complex to acquire if you know where to look for it.
9 The Obelisk Die
Right next to the obelisk in the north of the map is a die.
10 A die just above the village
Visible above the village where the distributors are located is a die.
To access it, we advise you to jump on the mushroom of the die 5.
11 Bridge dice
This die is located just following the west exit of the vending village, you can’t miss it.
12 Dice in height
Access to this die is not really complex. To do this, follow the path at ground level until you manage to climb to the same level as the die where there are platforms.
13 Root Dice
Hidden behind roots this dice is not difficult to flush out if you know where to look.
14 The starting house die
The location of this die is very easy to find. It is in a fairly visible nook.
15 A complex dice to access
To reach this die, look around for the castle in the picture.
You have to go inside to access the platform that gives access to the dice.
16 The die at the bottom of the bridge
At the bottom of the bridge visible from the location of die number 15 is a die that is not complex to flush out.
17 A very little hidden die
Easily identifiable, this dice will not cause you any problems.
18 The second dice of the waterfall
Just like the first die, follow a corridor until you come across a waterfall. The die is directly to the right.
19 Small platforming phase
The mushroom platforms needed to reach this die are easily visible just below.
20 One last easy-to-access dice
Attention to reach this die you will have to complete the secondary quests of the zone.
The dice itself is very easily accessible.
All the Chill of Sobbing scrolls in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands
1 Dock Scroll
On a small pontoon to the left of the entrance to the area is an impossible-to-miss scroll.
2 The Village Scroll
Right next to die number 2 is a new scroll.
3 The Scroll of Poetry
To reach this poetry sheet just follow the yellow paint.
20 Pearl Scroll
Next to a pearl is also a scroll on scaffolding.
It does not particularly require a passage to be found.
Location of the pearls and other points of interest of the Queen’s Gate
1 Pearl next to the scroll
At the same time as parchment number 4 you can break this pearl.
2 A pearl in height
This pearl although in height will not represent particular difficulty to be found.
Area Obelisk
You will come across this obelisk during your dice hunt, especially for the ninth one.
Scroll Challenge
Attention to reach this challenge you will have to finish the secondary quests of the zone.
In the high platforms near die 20 is a challenge of the 3 scrolls.
Activating it brings up platforms that you will have to find in a given time or you will have to start all over once more.
Discover all our articles on Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands
This article dedicated to the Freshness of Sobbing dice slots in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is now complete.
Discover our complete class guide to best prepare for your adventure.