Tin Industry Whistleblower Reveals Shocking Truths About Rp1.6 Billion CSR Fund Mismanagement

CSR Funds”/>
The Judicial Council took the oath of five witnesses in the hearing of the alleged tin corruption case (MI / Usman Iskandar)

Cashier in the finance department of PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa, Yulia, gave testimony in the trial of the alleged corruption case in the tin sector.

Yulia was presented because there were allegations that PT SIP disbursed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds amounting to IDR 600 million and IDR 1 billion which were suspected to be gratuities.

In the indictment, it was stated that the funds were given by PT SIP Commissioner Suwito Gunawan to Harvey Moeis, a representative of PT Refined Bangka Tin (PT RBT). However, Yulia said that she could not confirm how the funds were forwarded to Harvey Moeis.

“I cannot confirm whether the Rp 600 million was transferred to Helena via PT Quantum Skyline or to PT Mekarindo Abadi Sentosa (which does not belong to Helena),” explained Yulia.

Yulia also said something similar about the flow of funds of Rp 1 billion. She added that she did not know the reason for the transfer of the funds and did not have proof of transfer for the transaction.

During the trial, Yulia’s statement revealed that the total CSR funds from PT SIP were not IDR 2.1 billion as stated in the indictment, but only IDR 1.6 billion.

PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa is one of five private smelter companies involved in the alleged tin sector corruption case. The indictment states that Harvey Moeis, who initiated the tin processing equipment rental cooperation, asked the smelter to set aside part of its profits as security money.

The prosecutor stated that the security money was treated as if it were CSR funds in two ways: first, it was handed over directly to Harvey Moeis, and second, it was transferred to the money changer account of PT Quantum Skyline Exchange or another money changer appointed by the defendant Helena Lim.

According to the prosecutor, the CSR funds from the private smelter that Helena accommodated at PT QSE came from PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa in three transfers, totaling Rp 2.1 billion. (Z-8)

#Tin #Corruption #Witness #Reveals #Facts #Rp1.6 #Billion #CSR #Funds

What are the ‌key ‍benefits of ⁢using `

` elements in HTML for web design?

Unraveling the Mystery of Div Elements in ‍HTML: A ⁢Comprehensive Guide

HTML, the standard markup language used to‌ create web pages,‍ is comprised of various elements that play a crucial role in structuring‍ and presenting content on the web. One such element is the

element,⁣ which is a crucial building block ‌of ⁢HTML structures. In this article,‍ we will delve ⁣into ⁤the ‍world of

‌elements, exploring their purpose, syntax, and best ​practices for usage.

What is a ⁢



element is a⁢ generic container element in HTML, ‌which is used to group together other HTML⁢ elements and apply⁢ styles to them.⁢ It is a block-level element, meaning it⁣ takes up the full width of its‌ parent element and starts on a new⁢ line. ⁤The⁢

element is‍ typically used⁣ to wrap a section of content, such as text, images,‌ or ⁤other HTML elements, and apply CSS styles to it.

Syntax and Usage

The basic syntax of⁢ a

element is as follows:

Content goes here

The opening

tag is used to indicate the beginning of the container, and the closing ‌

tag is used to indicate ⁣the end of the container. Any ⁤content, including other HTML elements, can be placed between the opening and closing tags.

Purpose⁢ of


The⁤ primary purpose of

elements is‍ to provide a way to group together HTML elements and⁣ apply ⁢styles to them using CSS. This‍ is​ particularly useful when creating complex layouts, such as those found in web applications or⁤ responsive designs.

Some ‌common use cases⁤ for ‌

elements ⁣include:

Creating a container for a section of⁤ content, such as ‍a header, footer, or⁤ sidebar

Applying CSS styles‌ to a group of elements, such as background colors, borders, or padding

Creating a layout grid or framework‍ for a web page

Grouping together form elements, such as input fields and labels

Best Practices for Using



elements are incredibly versatile, there are some best practices to ⁤keep in‌ mind when using them:

Use meaningful class names: Instead of using ⁢generic class names like “container” or “box”, use meaningful names that describe the purpose of the element, such as “header-nav” or “main-content”.

Avoid over-nesting: ‍Try to avoid nesting

elements excessively, as this can lead to confusing and hard-to-maintain code.

Use HTML5 semantic elements: When possible, use HTML5 semantic ⁣elements, such as ​
