“Timing Your Banana Intake for a Good Night’s Sleep: Expert Insights”

2023-05-17 06:49:52

Many people want to eat light meals before bed, and bananas are one of the favorite fruits in this regard, but research reveals different results.

Experts said bananas are an excellent food that can be enjoyed a lot at any time of the day. However, eating them too close to bedtime can contribute to a disturbed night’s sleep and trigger nightmares.

Experts attribute this to bananas containing high levels of magnesium, which relaxes muscles and calms the body. It also contains a high amount of melatonin, and excessive melatonin can have the opposite effect.

The production of the hormone melatonin and its secretion in the brain are linked to the times of the day, as it increases when night comes, decreases during the day, and its production decreases with age.

Therefore, experts do not advise giving up eating bananas, but they are trying to help choose the best timing for eating the beloved fruit.

And they stress that “the timing of melatonin intake is key to helping sleep, so it is best to eat bananas an hour or two before you start trying to sleep so that an excess of melatonin does not have the opposite effect.”

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#Bad #nightmares.. #consequences #eating #bananas #bed

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