Time’s Ticking: Unraveling the Dark Side of Our Obsession with the Clock

Shooting in Crotone in the popular neighborhood of Lampanaro, on the southern outskirts of the Calabrian capital, with one dead – Francesco Chimirri, 44-year-old resident of Crotone, pizza chef in Isola Capo Rizzuto – and a policeman seriously injured. The events occurred around 3.30pm on Monday 7 October. The victim – well known in the city also for his activity on social media – arrived already lifeless at the emergency room of the San Giovanni di Dio hospital where the rescuers were transporting him.

Information on the dynamics of the shooting is still fragmentary. The only certainty that has emerged so far is that a policeman was also seriously injured in the shooting, whose service weapon remained on the ground at the scene of the shooting while the other gun has not yet been found. There are police, Carabinieri and rescuers on site, the investigations are entrusted to the investigative unit of the Carabinieri of Crotone. According to what transpires, the officer who was then injured was chasing Chimirri – who was with his father – by car for reasons yet to be clarified. At the end of the chase, in Crotone, there was a scuffle with the policeman who shot. As reported by the site Lacnews24 the officer was then attacked by some people who hit him with kicks, punches and with a stick, so much so that he was admitted to hospital.


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