Tim Cook pours cold water on the “metaverse” again: ordinary people don’t know what the metaverse is – Hong Kong unwire.hk

Although the “metaverse” has become a hot topic in the tech world, Apple has never been very interested in it. Recently, President Tim Cook once again expressed his opinion on the Metaverse, believing that the Metaverse is still immature and has not been popularized at all.

In a recent interview with the Dutch magazine Bright, Tim Cook mentioned his views on the metaverse. He said that the success of this technology depends on whether people can understand it, and the metaverse is still not understood by the public: “I Really not sure what the average person can tell you about the metaverse.”

Although he has a negative view of the metaverse, he believes that AR will be a technology that changes people’s lives, and it will become quite popular in the future, and it will even be difficult to recall how life was without AR. Although VR has a strong sense of immersion, it cannot be used at any time in life and is not considered a good communication method. There have been rumors that Apple is already working on an AR product, which could be announced next year.


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