TikTok or stoicism 2.0

2023-07-24 05:30:10

Posted Jul 24, 2023, 7:25 a.m. Updated Jul 24, 2023, 7:30 a.m.

Like anyone born before the year 2000, I don’t understand anything regarding TikTok or those who use it (in France, 72% of users are under 24). The lightning swipe from one video to another leaves me dazed and reeling, like a grandpa blown by a wild scooter.

However, you have to resist the very natural urge to grumble, regretting the imaginary time when children played in the village square, before devouring books of poetry by candlelight. Michel de Montaigne is, as always, good advice: “Who ever saw old age who did not praise the past, and blame the present, burdening the world and the mores of men with their misery and their sorrow? »

#TikTok #stoicism

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