Tierra Brava: New Connections, Drama, and Sensual Massages – October 27, 2023

2023-10-27 04:00:41

Tierra Brava October 27, 2023

This Thursday, after yesterday’s intense Brazilian party and the end of the relationship between Pamela and Jhonatan, a new chapter of Tierra Brava took over the screens of Channel 13.

The episode had an activity to test the talents of the participants, the foreman was upset by the lack of cleanliness in the house and this week’s second nominee was met through the losing team’s individual competition.

New connections and inconveniences due to cleanliness are promoted in Tierra Brava

The arrival of foreman José Gutiérrez, Matías Vega and Gonzalo Valentín to Tierra Brava activated the morning at the farmhouse: the group made up of Max, Shirley, Fabio, Miguelito and Chama began the construction of a clay oven, an activity that showed the complicity and connection that is becoming stronger between the former “MasterChef” and the Peruvian model. Previously, Gonzalo gave a box of chocolates to Eva Gómez, awakening the entertainer’s flirtation.

For his part, the foreman was upset by the lack of cleanliness in the farmhouse, evidencing the bad relationship between Mateucci and Camila, who alleged that she was cleaning in the kitchen all day. While Pamela, Daniela and La Guarén, very reluctantly, had to clean and organize the most precarious side of the house.

Shirley’s sentimental confessions: towards her daughter and Max Cabezón

In this episode, number 20 of Tierra Brava, Shirley confessed to Sergio Lagos that Max Cabezón seems to her “an interesting and intelligent boy, there is good chemistry. If I stay, I will continue to know him and if I leave, it will be outside.”

Likewise, in a close conversation, Shirley, through tears, opened up to Max himself about being away from her daughter: “I think about a lot of things and I feel like she needs me. I know that she takes care of her, I know that she is fine, but it is not the same as me being with her, lifting her up, hugging her… there are many things. I would like her not to feel alone, that she does not feel that she has no affection, and I cannot give it to her right now… what I feel for her cannot be explained in her words.

In relation to her daughter, Shirley continued: “I never imagined being like this in my life, sleeping there, but I am putting up with it for my daughter, to give her a better future… and yes, I would like to see her, hug her and I would like to be with her, but I’m not going to let her down, I’m going to give everything for her. “I’m not interested in proving anything to anyone.” Max Cabezón hugged her to give her all his support and admiration.

New nominee and a provocative winner

The red team faced a demanding test in this chapter, which mixed balance, physical resistance and concentration. From it came the second nominee of the week: La Botota, who, despite his nomination, noted “La Botota will never leave.”

Chama’s outstanding concentration, meanwhile, made her the winner of the losing team’s tough individual test, so she left the stable room and started living on the VIP side of “Tierra Brava.”

She told Sergio Lagos about the bad relationship she has with some members of the other team, and declared that “none of them happen to me, I’m going to make them uncomfortable… and I don’t like that, I love it!”

After the competition, Fabio had a conversation with Chama, she sang with a Caribbean rhythm and a loud voice: “They envy me, they envy me.” Sitting next to La Botota, Pamela commented, “that girl will only be able to sleep in our room because she will be alone.”

Mateucci and Chama against Arturo Longton

Fabio asked the winner what she thought of Arturo, to which she responded “normal, I swear. “We were doing an activity and I liked him, but I didn’t know him well.” The Spaniard told her that Arturo found her “very pretty and very nice, and coincidentally the bed she made for you is right next to his.” Fabio told all this to Arturo, making it clear that there is a plot against Mateucci.

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For her part, the Venezuelan revealed her entire conversation with Fabio to Luis and they both laughed at Arturo. “It could be your dad, more respect, you saw that he has those fisherman’s shoes, it’s his style. He has the same legs as my dad. “I’m going to do the (prostate) exam,” the model from Cordoba commented, laughing.

Singular imitations in Tierra Brava

Before nightfall, Matías Vega arrived in Tierra Brava to promote an activity in the house-room and see how well the participants know each other, since each one would choose clothes and accessories to characterize their own companions.

Already on the stage set on the second floor, La Botota could be seen with a fun characterization of La Fiera, while Miguelito made everyone laugh as Junior Playboy. Meanwhile, Longton imitated La Botota and Junior did his thing with Fabio.

For his part, Fabio imitated Jhonatan and Pamela Díaz imitated Longton. Then it was Camila’s turn, who played Eva, Jhonatan played Mateucci and the latter played Miguelito.

Shirley, for her part, took the stage as Chama and the Venezuelan model as Futuro; Daniela Castro and Max Cabezón imitated each other. La Guarén lay down on stage like Shirley and, finally, Futuro imitated La Guarén. The winner of this activity was La Botota as La Fiera and also Fabio with his imitation of Jhonatan, who won a massage.

Pamela and Fabio: time for a sensual massage

In a moment of relaxation, before going to sunbathe with her companions, Pamela placed protection on Fabio’s upper body and face, telling him “don’t get used to it,” to which he responded, “and if I I’m used to, what’s wrong with that?”

Later, Pamela told Jhonatan, in relation to Fabio, “he is on fire” and they high-fived.

Also, the time came for the winners of the imitation activity to receive their prize: a massage. This is how Fabio was surprised with the presence of Pamela Díaz, who performed part of the massage with La Botota, experiencing funny situations, even throwing champagne on the model’s back.

Then there was a sensual moment, when they put strawberries on Fabio’s back and in his mouth and the former model ate them. To finish this special massage, the roles were reversed and Pamela received the same from the Spaniard, demonstrating more and more complicity between them.

Tierra Brava, you reap what you sow, from Sunday to Thursday at 10:10 p.m. on Channel 13 screens.

See the full chapter in the video of the note

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