Tierra Brava: Face to Face Drama, Nominations, and Reiki Activities – November 10, 2023 Recap

2023-11-10 03:43:44

Tierra Brava November 10, 2023

This Thursday in a new episode of Face to Face in “Tierra Brava”, the participants of the Channel 13 reality show had the opportunity to tell each other everything they think, and the big victim was Junior Playboy.

“Do not cheat me”

A curious activity animated by Karla and Matías demanded all the creativity of the participants by asking them to dress up in superhero costumes inspired by the animals from the reality show, and then have a parade. The winners by decision of the animators were Fabio and Miguelito, characterized as a cow and a newborn calf, and both earned a phone call to their families.

Miguelito spoke with his wife, Marlene, and told her that it is difficult not to get overwhelmed in confinement because there are “malicious people and bad class,” explained the comedian. After his wife told him, “Don’t fool me, because I’m going to leave your suitcase at the door,” the Peruvian jokingly replied, “Go fix my car then.”

“I thank life that I have a very understanding wife,” Miguelito continued saying, but was cut short by Marlene. “Now, don’t bother me so much. “It smells to me like something is going to happen,” the woman laughed.

Fabio, meanwhile, was unable to connect with his family in the Canary Islands, due to the time difference. Frustrated but resigned, he offered Luis to take his place on the call. The trans-Andean called his brother Juan Francisco to greet him on his birthday, and was very excited to have managed to speak with him. “I love you, I miss you so much,” he told her.

Luis spoke regarding his separation from Oriana

Confessing with Chama, Luis referred to his high-profile breakup with Oriana Marzoli, when he left the apartment they shared in Spain without being able to take his things. “I went back and took the wedding ring that he had given her and another boy’s wedding ring that I had given her. And I told him that when he gives me the things I will give them back to him,” he said.

“She is a girl who has a very good background, but she looks for the same kids,” he acknowledged regarding the controversial Venezuelan-Spanish reality girl with whom he won “You would go back to your ex.”

Tenso Face to Face left Junior as nominated by his teammates

Prior to the fifth Face to Face of “Tierra Brava”, Karla Constant called the participants’ attention to the fights they have had in recent days, specifically the last one between Junior and Pamela. “In Tierra Brava we will not allow the basic rules of coexistence between the participants to be transgressed. This is the second time we have to make this call for attention,” the entertainer warned.

When Shirley was asked regarding her nomination by the captain of her team, the Peruvian said that “although many want to see me outside, let’s see if their wish comes true.” For her part, Camila, loser of the individual competition, maintained that her situation is complicated because “I am not at my 100%, but I am going to give it my all.”

With 9 votes, Junior was the most voted due to his erratic attitudes in recent days. Among those who voted for him was Pamela: “When I came to this house I didn’t like you, now I don’t like you. I sat with you on that staircase, we made a pact, we looked each other in the face and I told you that I didn’t like lies. The last fight we had was not regarding the pineapple, it was regarding your way of annoying Miguelito, I went to look at your face and told you not to lie to me. I don’t want you close, not even one meter away. From now on I never want to see you once more and I don’t want to have any communication with you,” “La Fiera” told him.

Meanwhile, Jhonatan told him: “I don’t think how you have treated Miguelito and Pamela. I met a different Junior outside, he turned on a camera and you changed.” “You are just another puppet of Pamela, you have been perkin the entire time, you are not fair. Outside the reality show you said that they were all ugly but when you entered you hit your head and said ‘oh, she’s pretty’. “Why such a cheap show?” Junior responded.

When Arturo gave him his vote, he told him “I really liked you, you were a friend of my brother, but I was very disappointed. I met a person who does not think, irresponsible, rude, filthy, ordinary, envious. Forget when you go out that people are going to love you like before, because no one is going to love you.” To which Junior replied: “It can be seen in your eyes that you envy me. “You have always been an envious guy.”

Guarén, still sick following fainting yesterday, told Junior: “Before entering the reality show, my dream was to meet you, but I have had a very different experience. Living with you has been difficult, you have started taking my colleagues.” Max, for her part, told him: “Your unbridled quest for attention has me a little tired. I realized you were wearing my socks, you denied it, but I can’t tolerate it. I have nothing more to say”.

Dani, Shirley and Camila also voted for Junior. “I changed my vote. What I have heard now disconcerts me, you are like a swing of emotions, you go up, you go down,” Camila argued. “I feel like you are a person without coherence, spoiled, irrational, filthy. “I feel sorry for you,” Shirley told him.

Miguelito called Junior, but when the reality boy stood in front of him he said, “I feel sorry for you, son, sit down. My vote is for Chama.” Once in front of him, he reproached the Venezuelan woman for insulting him because of his size, and she wished him “that from today onwards you will demonstrate everything you say you are.”

Pamela got 4 votes, one of them from Junior. “By not being real to me, you are worthless as a person, you are a disposable being. What are you going to take with you when you leave this world? “At least I planted a tomato, I helped someone, I went through life being legal,” Playboy said. “You’re looking terrible, you have no arguments,” Pamela replied.

Both Luis and Chama also voted for Pamela: “I have seen it on other courts and it seemed degrading to me, you have shown me that you have no respect in your behavior towards me. You’re like a shabby neighborhood girl,” the Venezuelan told her, to which Pamela replied: “I find you so false, such a liar. Tell Mateucci to give you fighting lessons.”

Curiously, Fabio voted for Pamela, arguing that he nominated her “because you asked me, you really want to compete.” “I love that you listen to me, it fascinates me,” Pamela responded, laughing.

With this, this week’s three nominees are Shirley, Camila and Junior. The three of them will fight in a salvation competition before the elimination duel next week.

“It was an execution in slow motion”

Chama, Fabio and Luis reassured Junior following the votes. “Pamela played with you, she made you hit the stick. “We are here because we love you and we support you,” Chama told him. “It was my fault because I believed in her. We made peace but I didn’t think she was so manipulative and so fake,” Junior responded.

“You made a big mistake, but be smarter next time. You fell into his game. You’ve already hit rock bottom, you can only improve,” Fabio advised him.

Junior also spoke to Karla Constant the next day. “I’m so sorry regarding last night. They made me lose control. “First time my son is seeing this, that is what saddens me the most,” he lamented, crying before the cheerleader.

On the other hand, Pamela and the others had their own diagnosis. “This was an execution in slow motion,” Pamela said regarding what happened to Junior.

The next day, in an animal reiki activity – in which Pamela did not want to participate so as not to be close to Junior – both Arturo Longton and Dani Castro cried thinking regarding their dogs. “I had a dog with cancer. We did animal reiki for him to get better, and it’s amazing to be able to reconnect with him,” said the cook.

“Tierra Brava… you reap what you sow”, Sunday to Thursday from 10:10 p.m. on Channel 13 screens.

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