Tierno Monénembo on Niger: “I support the ECOWAS military option”

2023-08-23 13:52:08

Guinean writer, Tierno Monénembo expressed his hostility towards military regimes in Africa. Invited to Rfi Fulfulde, Tierno Monénembo judged the coup in Niger as “untimely” and “very dangerous” for all of Africa.

The author of “Crapeaux brousses”, does not miss the opportunity to vilify the military coups d’etat which, according to him, do not bring anything good. “What is happening in Niger is dangerous for the country, for the Sahel and for all of Africa. The coup aggravated the crisis. There are the jihadists, the French army, all that is not good. It is not a military coup that will bring peace and tranquility to a country. Since independence, Africa has experienced several coups, but it did not bring anything good,” lamented the writer.

He calls on ECOWAS to put an end to General Abdourahmane Tiani’s putsch. “If the diplomatic option fails, I support the military option to stop the coup,” he said.

With regard to the alleged popular support for the Nigerien junta, Monénembo believes that this results from a “manipulation orchestrated by the putschists”.

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