Tidal Originals: No other music service offers you this exclusive content

TIDAL September 29, 2024 at 4:30 p.m

Tidal Originals are exclusive content that you won’t get on any other music streaming service. The content goes beyond standard music streaming.

Listen to special content with Tidal Originals. (Source: Montage: Netzwelt/Image source: created with AI/Source logo: Tidal)

  1. What is Tidal Originals?
  2. You get this content with Tidal Originals

    1. Tidal Originals: Car Test

    2. Tidal Originals: #ROUND

  3. A touch of Netflix on Tidal

As a music streaming service, Tidal is dedicated to music in the truest sense. In addition to very high audio quality and playlists for emerging artists, the service offers you additional exclusive content with Tidal Originals.

What is Tidal Originals?

Tidal Originals is available to all customers of the American music streaming provider. The offer includes, for example, interviews that relate to a specific topic. These can be personal experiences or new albums from artists. Much of it is in the style of simple conversations, which makes the interviews seem very natural.

You get this content with Tidal Originals

With "Tidal Originals" you can see additional video formats. The only requirement is a valid Tidal subscription.
With “Tidal Originals” you can see additional video formats. The only requirement is a valid Tidal subscription. (Source: Netzwelt / Screenshot: Tidal)

With Tidal Originals you get a range of content and different formats. It is somewhat reminiscent of video streaming services like Netflix and Co. However, only in terms of the layout of the Tidal Originals website.

If you look at a format, you will quickly notice that the music is the focus here. Very rarely is it about other topics. From time to time you can also follow the careers of some artists. To bring you closer to Tidal Originals, we would like to introduce you to two formats in more detail:

Tidal Originals: Car Test

The “Car Test” format from Tidal Originals is an interview format in which different artists put their music to the ultimate test: the sound test in the car. Because it is said among sound engineers that the car is the absolute final opponent. If the music sounds good in the car, then it will most likely sound good on other devices too.

In “Car Test” the artists ask themselves whether their music also sounds good in the car.
In “Car Test” the artists ask themselves whether their music also sounds good in the car. (Source: Netzwelt / Screenshot: Tidal app)

Regarding the guests, the format often has a reference to American hip-hop culture. That’s why artists from this area are mostly guests. Well-known names appear there, but there are also often lesser-known artists who haven’t had much attention yet.

In addition to the sound test, production is also an important topic. This also includes influences from the artists or life experiences that have been had. This means that the format doesn’t become too monotonous and you can listen with interest.

Tidal in the test: From artists for art lovers Stylish music service without any frills

Tidal initially stood out largely because of its prominent involvement in the project. The high sound quality should keep customers. You can find out whether this works here.

Tidal Originals: #ROUND

The “#CRWN” format, on the other hand, aims to talk in great detail about events or experiences in the music industry over a period of one hour. Different musicians and personalities are invited. This format also increasingly has a hip-hop reference, but is not exclusively about this style of music.

The format "#ROUND" gives deep insights into the world of artists.
The “#CRWN” format provides deep insights into the world of artists. (Source: Netzwelt / Screenshot: Tidal)

The “#CRWN” format is a live recording in front of a small audience, which gives the interviews a pleasant atmosphere. Everything seems very relaxed and you immediately notice that the audience came specifically for the artist. There is a certain interest in the life story and it shows.

A touch of Netflix on Tidal

The Tidal Originals formats bring some variety to the classic content. Due to the optics of the Tidal Originals website one might even think that it could be a video streaming service. However, this feeling quickly disappears within the Tidal app because this content is not really easy to find.

Unlike Tidal Rising, there is no real indication within the app that Tidal Originals exists. So you would have to become aware of it elsewhere, for example via social media. Formats such as “Car Test” can then be found using the search function and also played directly as a video.

While Tidal Originals gives you new content that no other music streaming service offers, it’s a shame that the formats are so hidden. Tidal should definitely work on this without putting too much focus on video formats. But it doesn’t change the fact that Tidal has a real unique selling point with Tidal Originals that Spotify or iTunes don’t offer.

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