Ticket | New Development Model: A credible and achievable path to change

2024-02-14 11:07:13

SAlthough Tunisia has made concrete, globally recognized progress, successive national development models, on the other hand, have proven incapable of meeting the pressing demands and growing needs of citizens, reducing disparities and regional gaps and achieving social justice. In this context and at the end of his meeting with the Minister of Economy and Planning, Feryel Ouerghi Sebaï, the President of the Republic, Kaïs Saïed, underlined that those who advocate a “scheme development” have failed to provide answers to citizens’ concerns, just as they have never taken the trouble to decipher the reasons underlying the deterioration of the country’s socio-economic conditions.

In this regard, the government and the various institutions or authorities concerned, each in their area of ​​competence, are called upon to reassess and reconsider and develop a new approach, specifying the objectives set and the levers for change. This is regarding setting a new milestone in our development process. Our country must measure its strengths and weaknesses, identify the challenges that await it and the promises it can keep. The time has come to renew the national development plan. A plan which guarantees both equity and freedom, protection and autonomy, innovation and roots, diversity and unity… Moreover, the Head of State confirmed it: “The development model to which many aspire and continue to ‘claiming its existence should be one based on the creation of wealth and the distribution of its dividends to all citizens on the basis of social justice.’

On the other hand, the Head of State stressed that the essential function of the State consists of “guaranteeing better integration between the different components of society”, adding that “the implementation of a National Council of regions and districts is none other than a key step within the framework of this perspective.

The development model should compensate for the fragilities caused by the changes which have marked the socio-economic context of the country over the last decade and the new challenges which have resulted from them. Diversifying the national economy and ensuring its structural transformation into a productive economy, creating wealth and quality jobs are at the heart of the revision of the development plan. The realization of this plan requires, in addition to the liberalization of entrepreneurial initiative, the improvement of competitiveness, private investment, the promotion of the social role assigned to corporate citizens which requires motivation on the part Tunisians to be able to launch this type of project.

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