Ticker: Train crash – Another fatality found during salvage

12:51 p.m .: Crane from northern Germany expected for salvage

According to the police, the recovery of the derailed wagons continues to be difficult. The three overturned wagons were wedged into each other and were therefore under great tension, which could be released during salvage. The police said it was too dangerous to lift the wagons with the two cranes that are already on site. A particularly powerful crane from northern Germany is therefore on its way to the scene of the accident – it will be transported by rail and expected in Burgrain shortly.

12:38 p.m .: Police continue to assume a single-digit number of missing people

The police are still talking about a single-digit number of missing people. The police spokesman told BR that nothing was known about those who were still missing. It could be that the people – or some of them – are still under the three derailed wagons. But it could also be that they went home or to another destination. According to the police, more than 30 people are still being treated in the hospital. Three of them are doing very poorly, the spokesman said.

11.46 a.m .: The route is expected to be closed for a long time

The Bavarian Minister of the Interior, Joachim Hermann, expects the railway line to be closed “for at least a few more days”. Even after the wreck has been removed, the investigative work would have to be completed first. Then larger construction measures are necessary because the overhead line of the route was also destroyed.

“One has to see to what extent construction work can be carried out with a view to the G7 summit,” Herrmann told Bayerischer Rundfunk. During the summit in nearby Elmau Castle, the Garmisch-Mittenwald route will be closed.

11:00 a.m .: Herrmann – Fatalities are adult women

In an interview with Bayern 2-radioWelt moderator Veronika Lohmöller, Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann says that the victims of the train accident in Burgrain are adult women. About seven people are still missing. However, it cannot be ruled out that there are still dead people under the overturned wagons. “The wagon, which is completely scrapped, has to be lifted onto the adjacent federal road, but so far this has not been possible”.

10.45 a.m .: Prime Minister Söder thanks the emergency services

The day after the train accident in Burgrain near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Prime Minister Markus Söder visited the scene of the accident. At around 10.30 a.m. he told media representatives that he was “immediately stabbed in the heart” every time an accident like this happened. “We pray and very much hope that we will not find any more dead under the wagon and pray for those who are particularly affected,” Söder continued. The prime minister thanked all of the emergency services: What they had done – and in a very short time – was “incredible, almost superhuman and highly professional”.

He thanked the fire brigade, police, THW, Red Cross and the Bundeswehr and expressly also all volunteers for their “great work”. Now it must be determined what caused the accident, said Söder. “First of all, it is important for us that everyone who is injured recovers soon.” This also applies to everyone who had to witness the accident: “Even if you are not injured, you may have wounds in your soul.”

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