Sunny days and good weather encourage you to take walks in the woods or tall grass. Be careful, there are ticks. These undesirables bite you or attack your pets and carry many diseases.
Ticks appreciate shade, tall grass and softness. One of Marc’s cats fell seriously ill following being bitten. “His paws swelled and he even had to lie on his side, explains Marc, interviewed for RTLINFO. He mightn’t walk anymore. I’m always wary of it because I have other cats.”
During the beautiful season, an inspection of the animals is essential following all the walks. “ticks like warm places on the stomach, specifies Julien Jeanfils, veterinarian. Ticks are found earlier in the year and more abundantly too. This is due to the fact that our winters are getting milder and milder.”
With its 3 mm long, the tick slips into the fur to feed on blood. It is not just aimed at pets. “We can bring them home and the diseases that go with them: mainly, in our regions, Lyme disease, but there are still other diseases”explains Sacha Auslender, veterinarian.
Prevent the development of Lyme disease by spotting the first signs of infection
According to Sciensano, in Belgium, 14% of ticks carry Borrelia, which causes Lyme disease. First symptom: a large red spot. An influenza state must also alert. “If the spot is not noticed and the disease is not treated at that time, the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body and reach the joints, the nervous system or even the heart. warns Tinne Lernout, epidemiologist with Sciensano.
Thousands of bites each year in Belgium
Last year, according to Sciensano, 8,022 tick bites were recorded. To avoid them, it is better to wear long and covering clothes. For animals, several solutions exist, such as repellent collars, pipettes or stamps. “As a precaution, we prefer to give pills instead to pet owners who have children, because children put their hands everywhere and then in their mouths, so this is to be avoided.“, recommends Julien Jeanfils, veterinarian.
Cost of these measures: 5 to 10 euros per month. The duration of protection is 1 to 3 months. Double for necklaces.