Thyroid Cancer Awareness: Warning Signs, Prevention Tips, and Family Risk Factors

2024-02-28 02:25:00

▲ A 42-year-old mainland woman was diagnosed with thyroid cancer earlier. Her mother and brother, who accompanied her to the hospital, underwent examinations at the doctor’s suggestion and were found to have the same cancer.

If your family members have thyroid cancer, you should pay special attention! A 42-year-old mainland woman was diagnosed with thyroid cancer earlier. Her mother and brother, who accompanied her to the hospital, underwent examinations at the doctor’s suggestion and were found to have the same cancer. Fortunately, it was discovered in time and surgery was able to remove the tumor. The family of three was discharged successfully following the operation. Data shows that the incidence of thyroid cancer in China is increasing year by year, and doctors point out that there are four major habits that can easily induce cancer, and call on people with a family history of thyroid cancer to get regular check-ups every year.

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According to mainland media reports, 42-year-old Ms. Yang felt a foreign body sensation in her throat and coughed frequently last October. After a physical examination at a local hospital, she was diagnosed with a malignant thyroid tumor that had invaded the trachea and recurrent laryngeal nerve. She then went to the Jiangsu Provincial Cancer Hospital for medical treatment. After careful evaluation, Liu Fangzhou, deputy director of the hospital’s Head and Neck Surgery Department, decided to arrange surgery for her as soon as possible.

In view of the fact that thyroid cancer tends to cluster in some families, Liu Fangzhou suggested that his mother and younger brother who come to the hospital to accompany them should also receive thyroid examinations. The day following Ms. Yang’s surgery, her brother underwent a thyroid elastic ultrasound examination, and the result showed that it was level 5 (malignant risk exceeding 90%). Director Liu immediately asked him to undergo a thyroid puncture examination and be mentally prepared for surgery; Yang’s mother also I underwent an ultrasound examination and the result was also level 5.

According to the results of puncture examination, all three had papillary thyroid cancer. Liu Fangzhou then arranged surgery for Ms. Yang’s brother and mother, and the family of three was discharged from the hospital smoothly following the operation. Due to the timely discovery, Yang’s mother and brother Yang only need to take medication and undergo regular follow-up consultations following the operation, which is a great blessing among misfortunes. Ms. Yang said:

Fortunately, I listened to the doctor and got checked in time. If I had waited until symptoms appeared before seeking medical treatment, the consequences would have been disastrous!

Why do three members of a family suffer from thyroid cancer at the same time? According to Liu Fangzhou’s analysis, the reason is closely related to the familial aggregation of thyroid cancer. He pointed out that Ms. Yang’s experience was not an isolated case. Previously, a family of four in Zhejiang were diagnosed with thyroid cancer within six years, which also confirmed that thyroid cancer is hereditary in families.

The National Cancer Center published an article in JNCC (Journal of the National Cancer Center) in 2022, pointing out that the incidence of thyroid cancer in China is increasing year by year, and has become the seventh most common cancer in China. The prevalence rate among women is relatively high. Compared with the 2012 national cancer epidemiological statistics, the latest data shows that the incidence rate of thyroid cancer in women has risen from seventh to third.

Liu Fangzhou reminded that epidemiological surveys show that the occurrence of thyroid cancer is related to genetic factors, so if someone in your family suffers from thyroid cancer, you must not be careless. Due to inherited familial genetic defects, a family’s chance of developing the same cancer will be greatly increased. In addition, there are multiple susceptibility genes for thyroid cancer, so they are more likely to develop thyroid cancer together.

In addition, similar lifestyles are also the reason why Ms. Yang and her family members suffered from thyroid cancer. Liu Fangzhou said that the lifestyle and environment of a family are usually relatively similar, especially unhealthy lifestyle habits, such as unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, long-term second-hand smoke inhalation, radioactive exposure, etc., which may cause thyroid cancer.

3 major types of thyroid cancer

According to data from the Hong Kong Cancer Statistics Center of the Hospital Authority of Hong Kong, there were 978 new cases of thyroid cancer in 2020, of which 203 were men and 775 were women. The ratio of male to female patients was approximately 0.3:1, and there were 46 deaths. Zong.

Surgeon Wang Qiaofeng once pointed out in an interview that there are mainly the following types of thyroid cancer:

1. Well-differentiated thyroid cancer grows slowly and is divided into papillary tumors and follicular tumors. The most common are papillary tumors, which account for approximately 85% of all thyroid cancers.

2. Anaplastic thyroid cancer has fast growth rate and high fatality rate.

3. Medullary thyroid cancer is more common in hereditary multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome.

5 common symptoms

The early symptoms of thyroid cancer are not obvious and can easily be ignored or mistaken for other diseases. The more common symptoms include:

6 common causes of thyroid cancer

The cause of thyroid cancer is still unknown. The medical community speculates that it may be related to the following factors:

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Editor in charge: Luo Jiaxin

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