Thyme essential oil: benefits, colds, throat, use

Common thyme, thujanol thyme… Thyme essential oils are useful allies for treating or preventing winter ailments: colds, dry coughs, viruses thanks to their broad spectrum of action.

The main thyme essential oils that can be found in France are: thyme with linalool, thymol, or even geraniol or thujanol. The essential oils of thyme are essential in winter ! To better understand their specificities and how to use them, Sophie Jozwik, naturopath and specialist in aromatherapy in Valencia, answers our questions.

What are the benefits of thyme essential oil?

To begin, it is important to specify that there is not one essential oil of thyme but several, with very different contraindications. Common thyme essential oils have very interesting effects on the sphere ORL. The different varieties of thyme, available on the market, are known for their properties antibacterial, anti-infectious, antiviral and antifungal. “When we are faced with a angina, for example, it is generally not possible to determine in advance whether it is of viral or bacterial origin. The essential oils of common thyme by their specificities will thus have an interesting impact since they will act on the two types ofinfection“, underlines Sophie Jozwik. According to the pathologies and the typology of the patient (adult, child, pregnant woman…), we will determine the type of essential oil of common thyme to use. more than a dozen essential oils of thyme in the aromatherapy market. “Different types of essential oils Thymus vulgaris exist and, depending on the place of their exploitation and in particular the altitude at which they grow, they will develop a composition and different aromatic molecules”.

Which thyme essential oil is effective for colds?

Thyme essential oil is effective once morest the common cold: thyme with thujanol can thus be offered.

Which thyme essential oil is effective for throat and cough?

Thyme essential oil is also effective once morest the sore throat and dry cough. It will also have an impact on a nasopharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis… Thyme with linalool or geraniol, associated with other essential oils can be interesting in this case.

Should thyme linalool or thymol essential oil be used?

The chemotype (CT), specified behind the name of the essential oil of thyme, will make it possible to determine which one to use according to its different active ingredients. The main thyme essential oils that can be found in France are: thyme with linalool, thymol, or even geraniol or thujanol. We will focus here on the first two. Linalool thyme essential oil is the mildest : it can be used both in children from 3 years old, as well as in adults. She will mild antibacterial and antiviral : ideal for overcoming viruses and bacteria, for ear infections for example. It can also be interesting in prevention for the immune system. Thymol thyme essential oil is the most powerful : She is reserved only to adults in good health and without particular pathologies. It will be indicated for its properties remarkable anti-infectives and immunostimulants as part of a fluor for clear the bronchi, sinuses for example.

Thyme essential oils can be used in different forms:

  • dermal pure on the skin for linalool, or in the form of a massage by mixing 1 drop of a teaspoon with a vegetable oil for thymol;
  • orally : the duration of treatment will be determined by the type of essential oil of thyme used, only on the advice of a specialist;
  • or inhaled or diffused for linalool thyme.

Their dosage is recommended depending on age and physical condition of the person being treated. Combinations between linalool and thymol can also be considered in adults. “Linalool can be used in prevention in application on the wrist 3 drops 3 times a day. Thus, it very quickly penetrates the cutaneous barrier and is distributed very quickly at the level of the lungs and the upper ENT sphere through the blood circulation.“, she notes.

Essential oils of thyme are to be avoided in pregnant women in the first trimester

What are the dangers of thyme essential oils?

A risk of allergy may still exist: it is therefore advisable, before any use, to place a drop of essential oil in the crease of the elbow to ensure that there is no skin reaction following 15 to 20 minutes. “It is quite rare for people to be allergic to essential oils, but the precaution remains in order.“, specifies Sophie Jozwik. The essential oil of thyme thymol being dermocaustic, it cannot be applied pure on the skin under risk of burning. She is too hepatotoxic and will be prescribed orally for a short time and for adults only.

What are the contraindications of thyme EO?

Thyme essential oils are to avoid in pregnant women in the first trimesterat the children under 3 years old for linalool thyme, and children under 8 years old for thymol thymol. Geraniol thyme is also contraindicated in case of pregnancy because this molecule is uterotonic and can cause contractions.

thanks to Sophie Jozviknaturopath, specialist in aromatherapy in Valencia.



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