Thwarting an ISIS plot to target the Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut

The Internal Security Forces in Lebanon announced yesterday that they had thwarted an ISIS plot to carry out three simultaneous suicide operations in the southern suburbs of Beirut, which is the main stronghold of Hezbollah. She indicated that the organization had recruited three Palestinian youths from the Ain al-Hilweh camp (near the city of Sidon) in southern Lebanon to carry out the operations.

And Lebanese Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi announced during a press conference that ISIS had recruited young men to carry out major bombing operations with explosive belts and explosives, explaining that if the bombings had occurred, they would “cause, God forbid, many victims,” ​​considering that thwarting them constitutes a “model of proactive security.” successful.”

Mawlawi congratulated the Internal Security Forces, Head of the Information Division and Director General, Major General Imad Othman, on the success of controlling the “terrorist takfiri network”. He stressed that “the Internal Security Forces are the heroes of this operation,” stressing “the importance of these forces because they provide security for the Lebanese.”

During the press conference, the “Internal Security Forces” explained that they had managed to recruit a “human source” within “communication groups” working for the extremist organization. The latter received instructions from a leader in the organization residing in the Ain al-Hilweh camp for Palestinian refugees in southern Lebanon, and in contact with the organization in Syria.
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