thus the Emiliano – model foundered

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Giuseppe China

Between budget holes, hospitals in the red and investigated for medical malpractice, the Apulian healthcare model designed by Michele Emiliano failed. The deficit of hospitals and local health authorities in Puglia records a deficit of 39 million euros. Among the latest cases of medical malpractice, that of the eight, including doctors and nurses, investigated by prosecutor Alessandro Prontera for the affair of a 77-year-old woman, who died last September 30, during the first chemotherapy session carried out at the Vito Fazzi hospital of Lecce.

The victim had discovered that she was suffering from myeloma during the summer: before being able to start the chemotherapy cycle, she had undergone a cardiological examination, which was essential to be able to access the treatment phase. Having received approval from the doctors, she went back to hospital on 30 September: during the treatment she developed respiratory problems. The therapy is stopped and the patient is given a cortisone shot. Shortly afterwards the woman dies in hospital. A case almost similar to that of Francesco Sabastio, 58 years old, who also died at the Vito Fazzi in Lecce, after having undergone the first chemotherapy cycle. Various charges of manslaughter and negligent injury are pending against five white coats. According to the accusatory hypothesis they would have acted “with imprudence and incompetence, not adequately monitoring the pre-chemotherapy clinical picture, causing a worsening of the health conditions”. For the case of Sabastio’s death, a preliminary hearing has already been scheduled: January 15, 2025.

In Brindisi, however, a man admitted to the Perrino hospital for a heart attack, contracted a Klebisiella bacterial infection during his stay. Circumstance for which he was hospitalized for 168 days and for which the ASL of the Apulian city was sentenced in civil court to compensation of over 200,000 euros for the biological damage caused. It all begins on 19 June 2019 when the man undergoes an angioplasty operation, but in the post-operative phase the victim has great breathing difficulties. A second tracheotomy operation is inevitable, but the situation degenerates and the man will be moved first to Bari and then to Pavia. As mentioned, he spent a total of 168 days in hospitals which, in the magistrate’s opinion, could have been avoided by practicing “a less invasive surgical treatment”. The director of the socio-health district of the ASL of Campi Salentina, SP, also ended up under the scrutiny of the judiciary, who falsely declared that he had worked more hours than those foreseen by the contract, receiving 9,000 euros more in his paychecks. Sum equal to the 253 hours of work counted, but not carried out. Charges of aggravated fraud and ideological forgery of a public document are pending against him.

#Emiliano #Tempo #model #foundered

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