thus the case was born –

Rita Cavallaro

The spy chief on a “mission” to the Vatican a few hours after the Becciu case broke out. The circumstance now emerges from the new documents of the dossier investigation, sent by the Perugia prosecutor, Raffaele Cantone, to the Anti-Mafia Commission. The investigations, in fact, have ascertained that the financier Pasquale Striano carried out unauthorized access to all the protagonists of the London palace affair, the exclusive of the weekly L’Espresso, signed by the reporter Emiliano Fittipaldi and accompanied by a very secret document of the Secretariat of State, which cast shadows on approximately 650 million of extrabudgetary funds from Peter’s Pence, intended for the poor and instead used to do business. The scoop, which kicked off the trial of the century against Cardinal Angelo Becciu and the protagonists of the sale, was published after Striano, investigated in conjunction with the former prosecutor Antonio Laudati and the three journalists of the newspaper Domani for unauthorized access to the databases and revelation of the secret, had carried out a series of illicit intrusions into the analyst system on the characters involved in the palace affair, including high prelates of the Holy See and brokers doing business between London and Luxembourg. Illegal accesses that the head of the SOS group carried out from 22 July to 30 August 2019, downloading a series of information, documents and anti-money laundering alerts, partly contained in the L’Espresso article.

Becciu speaks: Striano & Co.? Someone used the Pope. Cantone listen to me - EXCLUSIVE

And now the new papers from the Perugia investigation certify not only Striano’s illicit intrusion into the analyst systems for matters beyond the Tiber, but place the spy chief in the Vatican a few hours after the publication of the exclusive. The technical assessments carried out on the financier’s mobile phone, who managed to delete numerous files and part of the chats from the phone in an attempt to cover the traces of the instigators and other recipients of the confidential data stolen from the analysts’ system, brought to light a recording of the smartphone of Striano, who entered the cell of San Pietro on 29 September 2019 at 5.49 pm, exactly a few hours before the revelation of the Becciu scandal. What was an investigator from the Italian Anti-Mafia Directorate doing on a trip to a foreign country? For the investigators, on the other hand, the spy had significant links in the Pope’s territory, as demonstrated by the contacts recorded in the phone book, in which he had memorized the numbers “Vatican switchboard” and “Vatican commissary”. Striano was also in possession of a nominative card to access the Holy See and use all the services.

Crows and dossiers, the lies to Bergoglio to frame Becciu - EXCLUSIVE

The financier also made himself available to intelligence agents who requested SOS on influential religious figures, as emerges from the illicit intrusions on Monsignor Giovanni Ermes Viale, carried out at the request of 007 Silvio Adami at a time when there were tensions between the Pope and Viale , the high prelate of Propaganda Fide ousted after Striano’s spies. Not only the interest in the affairs of the Church before the article that opened the case, but also in the following months, when the question of the London palace overwhelmed the then head of the Vatican Secretariat of State, Cardinal Becciu, object of a relentless press campaign and finally put on trial. A story that the Anti-Mafia investigator would have followed with an almost spasmodic interest, given that he would send the articles to his wife in which he would have boasted of having contributed to the search for the truth. On the issue of Striano’s illegal access, the Pope’s magistrates have opened a file to find out who followed the trail of their confidential investigation.

The mystery of the interview with Becciu disappeared from the Vatican review

#case #born #Tempo
2024-10-02 19:56:40



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