The artist, Nancy Ajram, will be the Alex Reed of the “Sahranin” program, presented by the artist Amir Karara, on the “on” screen, on Thursday and Friday at exactly ten in the evening.
I will giveNancyDuring the two episodes, a group of her distinctive songs, and she talks regarding her relationship with Egypt, in the presence of a girl from her audience who has special needs, and she will sing with her.
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And the artist, Nancy Ajram, had talked regarding the truth of her feelings regarding her approaching the age of 40, and the way she dealt as a mother with her daughters.
“Nancy” said during her interview in the October issue of “ELLE” magazine: “I am not afraid of entering my forties next year. On the contrary, I am excited regarding what is to come. The issue of age has never formed a complex for me. .. Many factors and many positions came together to make me the Nancy you know today, and the journey is still in its infancy.
About her upbringing in her family, she commented: “I can say that we grew up in a close-knit family. Since we were young, my brothers and I, and we are always together, never separating from each other, and my parents are constantly watching us. There was a keenness to raise us in a proper way, and to always be on the right path, even if the subject required some cruelty sometimes when we made mistakes. It was not a rosy life as it is said, and there was Of course, we went through difficulties together as a family, and we overcame them together.”
While she talked regarding the way she raised her daughters, saying: “I am very keen on my children. This is beyond my will, because there are many things in life that cannot be explained, including the mother’s relationship and feelings towards her children. For this reason, I constantly try to reconcile my overwhelming affection towards them with the need to leave them room to learn by themselves from life and grow up, but of course even when they think they are alone, I am I watch and follow them from a distance.”