Thuin: a madman hides in his house after stabbing his partner (photos)

A vast police operation took place last night in Thuin to control a man who had taken refuge in his house.

A family dispute is said to be at the origin of the facts: a man allegedly stabbed his partner one or more times in a house located rue de Ragnies in Thuin.

The police intervened and the lady was transported to the hospital. But the man took refuge in the house and appeared several times at his window with a knife in his hand.

A security perimeter has therefore been set up. Residents of the street were unable to approach their homes and the services of Ores cut off the gas to prevent any explosion.

© Fabian Van Hove

The special intervention units called to the scene negotiated with the madman until 1am. The assault was launched at 3:20 a.m. and an intervention dog overpowered the suspect, injuring him in the process.

The man was therefore also transported to the hospital and the security perimeter was lifted at 4:30 a.m.

He would be known to the courts.

© Fabian Van Hove

In 2010, this same house had already been the scene of a fort chabrol unrelated to this case.

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