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Farewell to Phil Collins: back to the (embarrassing) unpacking of his ex-wife…
This Saturday, March 26, Phil Collins gave the last concert of his career with his group Genesis in London. The singer bid farewell to his fans, visibly very thin. A fragile health which has certainly not been spared by his stormy relationship with his ex-wife Orianne Cevey.
Phil Collins gave a moving last concert with his group Genesis at The O2 performance venue in London this Saturday March 26, 2022. The group had exceptionally reformed for a final tourwhile they were already separated in 1996. On the stage, which he shared with the other band members and his 20-year-old son Nic, the 71-year-old singer appeared very weak and emaciated, so much so thathe sang while sitting and greeted the audience supported standing by the whole troop. If the health of the interpreter of You’ll be in my heart seemed so fragileit goes without saying that the artist was not spared by his ex-wife Orianne Cevey, with whom he had a stormy relationship.
Lily Collins’ father discovered in 2020 thatOrianne Cevey was cheating on him with her lover Thomas Bates, despite having been back together for five years following their first divorce in 2008. According to information that the Sun had revealed at the time, Phil Collins had then summoned the jewelry designer of leaving his Miami mansion, what she had refuse to do on the pretext that he had promised her that half of this residence estimated at $40 million came back to him.
A media war was then engaged between the mother of the family and the member of the Genesis group. To sink it, Orianne Cevey had unpacked to TMZ in November 2020 that her ex-husband reportedly stopped brushing teeth and refused to shower for almost a yearfrom 2019 to 2020. She had claimed that the artist smelled so bad that his stench was become unbearableadding that as of 2019 he was unable to have sex. “The stench of Philips has become so overpowering that he became a hermit, refusing to have personal contact with anyone”, she had launched to the tabloid. The forty-something had finally agreed to leave the home of Phil Collins with her new husband in January 2021, however, reserving one last filth for the singer.
Oriane Cevey hit the jackpot by auctioning Phil Collins’ belongings
In February 2021, the newlyweds had indeed put up for auction, certain items in the house they were leaving. Orianne Cevey had therefore gotten rid of two awards won by Phil Collins: his International Rock Award, won in 1989 for MVP Drummer and his Gold Award for the sale of 100,000 copies of his album released in 2002, Testify. She had also sold some of her own possessions according to information from Page Six: from hand bagsfrom jewelry and designer shoes as well as’an engagement ring Tiffany & Co. If 10% of the amount collected had been donated to the association Never Give Up Foundationthe ex of the star had still amassed a nice jackpot over a million dollars.
Oriane Cevey recently divorced her husband Thomas Bates
Phil Collins had married Orianne Cevey in third marriage in 1999and had with her her two sons Nicholas (in 2001) and Mathew (in 2004). The couple separated for the first time in 2008, the singer having had to spend almost 30 million euros for divorce his ex-wife. To everyone’s surprise, they reunited in 2015 and decided to live together once more, until the star found out that his girlfriend had secretly married her lover Thomas Bates, fifteen years his junior, in Las Vegas during the summer of 2020.
The 48-year-old announced on Instagram on December 3, 2021 that she was splitting from Thomas Bates: “I am asking for a divorce from my husband, Thomas Bates. I think the intense emotions generated by the stress of the Covid pushed me in this direction” she had soberly written. She also expressed regret vis-à-vis his separation from Phil Collins with the Sunin June 2021: “It was very hard for me, because I stayed with one and the same person for 26 years. We had ups and downs. We broke up and got divorced, then got back together and things didn’t work out. And that’s sad.”