Thriller Afghanistan: Four explosions in one day Fatal – Injured

Thriller Afghanistan: Four explosions in one day Fatal – Injured

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April 22 BBC Progress report on 4 bombings across Afghanistan on April 21.

The first was at a Shia mosque in the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif, the death toll has risen to at least 31, with at least 87 wounded, which Islamic State (IS) forces admit to being behind it. As Taliban forces concede defeat to IS But it remains a serious security challenge for Afghanistan’s new governing body.

Attacks at mosques use a bag attached to a bomb trap from a distance. When the mosque is full of religious people And IS has called the attack part of an existing global campaign to “avenge” the death of the former IS leader and spokesperson.

The second was in the northern city of Kunduz, where Islamic State (IS) forces said they hid a bomb near a mechanic car working with the Taliban. 4 deaths, 18 injuries

The third point occurred with a Taliban vehicle that was hit by a roadside bomb. In western Nangarhar province, four Taliban fighters are killed and one wounded.

The fourth point was caused by a burial in Kabul’s Niazbeuk district, injuring two children.

The blast came just days after the explosion at a boys’ school in Kabul. At least six people were killed and more than 20 were injured.

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