Current fashion gives pride of place to thrift stores. However, many shops are born, and few last. What are the good recipes to adopt to sustain this activity?
In Chambéry, three beautiful thrift stores closed their doors in the space of a few months. Another is resisting the health crisis well. Rue Croix-d’or, Rachel Troillard’s La Belle Armoire is always full, even in the heart of the summer period. His secret? “I don’t define my concept store as a thrift store, but as a second-hand store. » The nuance is important: neat decoration, stocks renewed every three days with unique pieces, “chunked with love”, arrangement by color… The store displays both vintage and surprisingly modern tones. What previously corresponded to a clientele of insiders now affects all audiences concerned regarding their environmental impact… and the health of their wallets.
Physical place of life.
The manager does not fail to diversify her offer, by offering, in addition to consignment sales, designer jewelery and a subscription service for clothing rental. From her past as a marketing officer in a large pharmaceutical group, Rachel Troillard retains a sense of communication, central to integrating her business into the life of the city. “From the start, I tried to get to know the other stores in the region, and above all to seek support, in particular from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. I was convinced that alone, it was impossible for me to realize my project in the long term”. It opts in particular for the legal status of SARL, “because it allows you to better declare your expenses than as a self-employed person”. An outstanding manager, she constantly keeps an eye on the figures: 130,000 euros in turnover in 2020, 150,000 euros in 2021, and already 100,000 euros since the start of 2022. She is aiming for 170,000 euros by the end of the year.
digital showcase.
Rachel Troillard takes care of her physical showcase as much as her online one. “It quickly became an obligation during sanitary confinements. My site now allows me to make some sales beyond the region. » Its objective is to gain national stature. “For this, I am trained in the latest SEO techniques”smiles the hyperactive shopkeeper.
Towards a franchise?
For the time being, Rachel Troillard is never short of ideas: second-hand fashion show at the Savoie fair in September, mini-concerts and disco evenings at the shop, quiet times for hypersensitive people, but also a future second-hand festival… Before launching, why not, new beautiful wardrobes in the region, in 2023. “But I’m waiting to know the true results of this year, which is decisive for me. Don’t go too fast: the last four months of the year are always the most important for a business! »