three Renzians ready to join Tajani –

Aldo Torchiaro

“We are the only liberal and reformist party, the home of the center is Forza Italia,” said Antonio Tajani. And the Azzurri spokesman Raffaele Nevi, in , struck a blow, addressing Renzians and Calendians: “We welcome with open arms those who come from centrist experiences.” At least three parliamentarians are said to be approaching from Italia Viva. And two from Azione. Deputy Naike Gruppioni, whose name had been circulating in recent days, reached by us, neither confirms nor denies. She entered the Chamber with Azione, then moved to Iv and could now land among the Azzurri. In Renzi’s party, after all, it is a free-for-all. If a congress to clarify the line is not called, Luigi Marattin, who in the meantime has launched an online petition for a parallel reset of the leadership groups of Azione and Italia Viva, and a merger between them to create a unitary entity, is ready to say goodbye to Italia Viva. The leader chose the center-left, after the electoral defeat in the European elections, without consulting with leaders and activists. Who did not take it very well.

The alliance with Schlein splits Italia Viva: the letter of protest to Renzi

A rather detailed document was signed, on the initiative of Filippo Campiotti, the Milanese president of IV, by almost 300 leaders of all levels, local, regional and national: it calls for the convening of a congress to decide the line to take, but also the change of the top group. They are, badly counted, 25% of the leaders of IV. And theirs is not the only document circulating. More than 90 young activists and local administrators under 35 have addressed a letter-appeal to the party to make the voices of the kids from the “Meritare l’Europa” training schools heard: «We need to give the floor back to the members with a congress after the change of positioning decided alone by Matteo Renzi, towards an alliance with the broad field from the start, a mandate different from that of the congress of October 2023, centrist and third-party». At the head of the young dissidents is Emanuele Cristelli, 29 years old from Trieste, a member of the national assembly: «What distinguishes the appeal of the young people of IV is precisely the conclusion: ‘We want to do politics for something, not against someone’. We hope that you too, Matteo, are still of the same opinion».

The left imposes restrictions on Renzi for his return. The admission test begins

“A rebellion,” someone tried to downplay. But Raffaella Paita, the party’s coordinator, was forced to open up: “In the next National Assembly, anyone who wants can put the proposal to call the congress to the vote.” Renzi tries to look ahead and announces that he will work with the IV delegation that will negotiate the program with the center-left. Yesterday, Goffredo Bettini gave him a cold shower: “It’s good to open up to the centrists, but we don’t think Renzi wants to deal the cards. We need a broad liberal body.” Perhaps a new turning point is around the corner. And Forza Italia is there, popcorn in hand.

“The Democratic Party has only brought down its governments”. Cerno and the non-existent fear for Meloni

#Renzians #ready #join #Tajani #Tempo
2024-08-05 09:59:43



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