Three points? We fulfilled our plan, says shooter Roman Půček

While forward Roman Půček regularly scores points in Vsetín’s home team and is an important member of the lineup with eight goals, he made only his seventh appearance in Vítkovice’s jersey this year and saved his first goal for the home crowd. At the end of the second period, Půček supported Vojtěch Lednický in the attack and increased the lead of the blue and whites with his accurate shot.

Roman, how would you evaluate today’s match?

We fulfilled the plan we had before the match, we went for three points and the fact that we didn’t concede a single goal is a bonus that we are very happy regarding.

You increased Vítkovice’s lead at the end of the second period, how did you manage to do that?

I went to the goal and wanted to put some pressure on the goalkeeper. The fact that it tickled or licked me is luck. However, we are glad that it went like this for us in the second break and I think it also helped us.

But at that moment it might have been your second goal, because in the first period you came up with a great chance, isn’t that right?

That was a complete lie, I’m very sorry, but sometimes that’s how it is. It bounced off my skate, it happens, but next time I have to be better prepared to be able to direct the puck.

Did you expect Vojtěch Lednický to shoot?

It’s hard to say, he did it well there, he went around the defender, put the goalie down and it was up to me to take the last step. I got a little bit under my feet, but I can’t make excuses for that and I have to be better prepared for the next match to be able to take advantage of such situations.

What tasks do you go to the ice with? It probably won’t be primarily regarding scoring goals, will it?

Anyway, we go to the ice to fight, finish, block shots. We always try to deliver a comprehensive performance and hopefully we succeeded.

The playoffs are coming up, do you believe you can stay in the lineup? Or how do you actually arrange it now with regard to your time in the Chance League?

What matters to me is that I perform at my best and that’s all I can do for that.



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