‘Three mothers and daughters in Suwon’ body leader does not appear … Unrelated funeral plan

The funeral of three Suwon mothers and daughters who died without receiving help from welfare services despite hardships and illness will be held as funerals for those who are not related.

Suwon City, Gyeonggi Province, announced today that it has decided to support the funeral of a woman in her 60s and two daughters in her 40s.

The city of Suwon said that there was no one to take over the bodies of the three mothers and daughters, and following the police autopsy, the bodies will be handed over, cremated, and the ashes will be placed.

The expenses incurred during the process will be borne by the local ward office, and the funeral expenses of the unrelated will be supported by the city of Suwon.

A Suwon city official said, “We have decided to hold a funeral for the unrelated, but it has not been decided when and where the cremation and the ashes will be placed.”

The family was found dead in a multi-family house in Gwonseon-gu, Suwon, on the followingnoon of the 21st.

The three mothers and daughters suffered from health problems such as cancer and rare incurable diseases, and it was found that it was economically difficult to the extent that they wrote in their will, “Life was difficult due to chronic diseases and debt.”

However, they did not apply for welfare services such as basic livelihood security, and even following moving from Hwaseong to Suwon, they did not report moving in, so the local government might not understand their situation.

After the death of these people became known, President Yoon Seok-yeol said, “The welfare information system is not working properly, and special measures are needed for those who live in such a place.” I lost.



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