Three great eagles were born at the Yacyretá wildlife refuge

Asuncion, IP Agency.- In the Atinguy Wildlife Refuge, of the Yacyretá Binational Entity, the birth of three new specimens of guasu guasu (Chrysocyon brachyurus), a species in danger of extinction in the country, is celebrated.

The importance of this fact lies in the fact that the reproduction of this species of canids is very rare in a captive system. In this case, an unprecedented event was also recorded: double pregnancy, through a system of care, preparation and techniques studied by the technicians of the Reproduction Program.

The Atinguy Wildlife Refuge has three specimens of aguara guasu; one male and two females. After a selective process during the mating season of the females in the months of April to June, and through monitoring, the moment of courtship was detected (through vocalization the female attracts the male) leaving them together for 15 days.

After this time, the male moved in with the other female, resulting in a double pregnancy, a fact that had never happened in captivity at the Refuge, explained Dr. Andrés Riveros, head of the area.

After two months and days the first female gave birth to two puppies, and 20 days later the other female gave birth to one puppy.

They are currently in the lactation period, a period that lasts approximately 3-4 months. As a precaution, the puppies are not exposed until they are six months old.

#great #eagles #born #Yacyretá #wildlife #refuge
2024-08-25 03:39:37



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