Three French people launch an application dedicated to 100% secure sexting

Use an application specially dedicated to sex without having the fear of finding its practices and preferences spread on the Web. Get in touch with people who share the same interests as you without asking yourself too many questions of confidentiality. This is what l’application Blyyndselected and presented at CES Las Vegas 2023. An app developed since April 2022 by Tanguy Fallard, Cyrille Heimburger and Guillaume Colas, two young people from Strasbourg and a Lyonnais, graduates in computer engineering, arts and crafts, entrepreneurship, or even digital transformation in a business school. Blyynd is a new clearly sexual dedicated mobile application au sexting. Understand explicit conversations, texts and photos.

It allows its users, according to the young entrepreneurs, “to live a virtual and interactive sexual experience in a completely safe way”. The spirit is to “prioritize emotional connection and stimulating conversations, while ensuring sexual compatibility, assures Blyynd”. A mobile application that would offer “a positive and healthy experience for sexual well-being, validated by sexologists, continues Tanguy Fallard. The idea is to be a real substitute for pornography, ethical and inclusive, which allows you to have an exchange as quickly as going to see a video”.

An idea developed during the first confinement, when “sexting was gaining momentum, recalls Tanguy Fallard. After noting that the existing solutions were mainly turned on physical meetings, sometimes vague in their real intentions, the trio then embarked on an adventure and created their own app. “We offer a completely virtual, secure interaction in which we will eventually be able to connect sex toys and allow a physical experience coupled with a virtual experience. For now we can talk to the right person, to send some pictures, videos and soon the possibility of having live video and audio calls. »

Encryption and artificial intelligence

At the center of the project, security and consent. “Everything is completely encrypted. We don’t have a copy of the conversations in the servers, they are stored between your phone and the person you are chatting with. If one of the two loses his phone, well you lose the conversation, assures Tanguy Fallard. Solutions for more confidentiality but also to moderate conversations using artificial intelligence, capable of moderating content. Objective, avoid, block any child pornography, racist, anti-Semitic videos and even the possibility of blocking dickpics. “AI to moderate requests that go beyond the scope of the application, illustrates the young entrepreneur “like trying to sell photos, things that are out of the ordinary”.

The application also offers the possibility for the community to report any type of different use for which it was designed. Impossibility of being able to take screenshots, verification of profiles by selfie, possibility of verifying the age of users… also make it possible to secure data and avoid any “revenge porn” unlike what can be done ” on the dating apps which are not dedicated, made and thought for that, specifies Tanguy Fallard. On the security side, we are at the maximum of what we can do. »

Concretely, before reaching seventh heaven, you must first create your profile, (anonymous). All you have to do is select your sexual preferences to discover a flow of profiles. Users can then get in touch when there is a mutual interest, giving way “to an erotic exchange, completely secure”, insists Tanguy Fallard. More than 600 people so far are using and testing this app for free. Blyynd hopes to launch on the French market and internationally (especially in the United States) this year. The concept, officially presented at CES 2023, also aims to raise funds by July 2023. In addition to the connection to sex toys, they hope soon to be able to interact… in the metaverse.



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