Three exercises to strengthen the arms that can be done at home

To get good results when exercising physically, it is very important to be consistent and train several times a day. However, before starting to do it, it is key to go to an expert to obtain a specific training plan, depending on what you want and can do.

The arm muscles are a part of the body that is considered important by some people. For this reason, there are those who dedicate a large part of their routine to working on them; that is why the web portal better with health highlights four exercises that can be done from home with the aim of strengthening them and they are the following:

Tricep extensions behind the head

This routine is essential for strengthening the triceps and shoulders. In that sense, what is needed are dumbbells to be able to carry out the exercise.

To start, both feet should be hip-width apart, while the dumbbell should be held in both hands. Next, raise your arms above your head and then lower the weights behind your head with your elbows close to your ears.

Also, you should contract your triceps muscles at the top. Finally, it is recommended to do 4 sessions of 12 triceps extensions.

Biceps curl with elastic bands

The curl is the classic exercise to strengthen the biceps and it is recommended to do it with the resistance offered by the elastic bands. To start, step on a resistance band with your feet shoulder-width apart. and immediately followingwards, grasp the handles of the band with each hand.

Now, the person should tighten their abs and slowly pull the band towards their shoulders, then pause briefly and slowly lower the band back to the starting position. Finally, it is recommended to do 4 sessions of 12 biceps curls.

Dumbbell triceps kick

This routine allows you to tone the biceps, triceps and abdomen. To start, you should have your feet together, holding a dumbbell in each hand. The thighs should then be squeezed as the knees are bent into a squat position.

Also, you should keep your palms facing inward and your upper arms pressed once morest your ribs. Inhale to bend your elbows and bring the weights toward your shoulders. Finally, it is recommended to do 4 sessions of 12 triceps kicks with dumbbells.

Recommendations when starting to exercise

The Bodytech medical-sports club explains some mistakes to avoid when exercising. It is essential to take them into account to improve the results that have been established.

  • Not having a training plan: When exercising, you should set a goal and train according to the stated objective. Performing physical activity without supervision or without clear parameters can make it difficult to improve results and can affect physical condition.
  • Training without warming up: starting exercise routines without spending at least 15 minutes to warm up the body is risky, as it increases the possibility of injury.
  • Failure to assess and review health status: When people start to exercise, they consider that the information they read on portals, social networks and other media is enough to start. It must be taken into account that if you do not have a habit of physical activity, doing it from one day to the next can cause injuries and put your health at risk. That’s why it’s important to have a physical evaluation, either with a trainer or an expert like a physical therapist. This step is vital, especially for people who have some physical or health condition.
  • Not having a training plan: When exercising, you should set a goal and train according to the stated objective. Performing physical activity without supervision or without clear parameters can make it difficult to improve results and can affect physical condition.



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