Three days of showers and storms – Where will it rain?

As Thodoris Kolidas points out in his post, the weather is changing and there are showers and storms in store from Monday (19/08/2024) until Wednesday (21/08/2024). In conclusion, he states that “on Monday (19/08/2024) we will have rains and storms mainly after noon in the Ionian, Epirus, Macedonia, Thessaly, Western Mainland and possibly the mountainous Peloponnese. The phenomena in the North-West will probably be intensely.

On Tuesday (20/08/2024) the unsettled weather will continue with showers and local storms in the Ionian and the mainland mainly in the afternoon and the effects locally in Ionian Central and N. Greece are likely to be intense. The temperature will drop. On Wednesday (21/08/2024) sporadic phenomena in almost all continental areas – but not strongly – with a small further drop in temperature in the east and south.

On the two days of Thursday (22/08/2024) and Friday (23/08/2024) no significant rains are predicted, while we will have a progressive rise in temperature and strengthening of the melt to 6-7 Beaufort on Friday (23/08/2024). The weather next weekend will not change significantly.

Weather: Detailed forecast for the whole country from EMY


Initially in the northwest and gradually in the rest of the west, central and north, temporary clouds will develop and local rains will occur. Sporadic storms will occur initially in the Ionian and gradually in the western and northern continents (except Thrace), mainly until the afternoon. The phenomena in the northern Ionian and Epirus are likely to be temporarily intense in places.

In the rest of the country, generally clear weather and only in the midday and afternoon hours in the continental areas will local clouds develop and there will be local rain, mainly in the mountains.

Winds will blow in the eastern Aegean from north directions 3 to 5 Beaufort, in the rest of the country variable 3 to 4 and gradually from south directions up to 5 Beaufort.

The temperature will reach 30 to 32 degrees in the northwest, 34 to 36 in the rest of the country and locally 37 degrees Celsius in the eastern and southern mainland and Crete.


In the west, central and north, temporary clouds with local rains are forecast and mainly in the northern parts of the Ionian Sea and the mainland, sporadic storms. The phenomena in the northern Ionian, Epirus and Macedonia are likely to be temporarily intense in places.

In the rest of the country generally clear weather, with occasional clouds and possibly local showers or isolated thunderstorms in the continental areas during the midday and evening hours.

Visibility to the west and south in the morning hours will be limited in places.

Winds will blow variable 3 to 4 Beaufort and gradually to the south from west directions 4 to 6 Beaufort.

The temperature will not change appreciably. It will reach 32 to 34 and locally in the eastern and southern mainland, the islands of the eastern Aegean, the Dodecanese and Crete 36 to 37 degrees Celsius.


In the Cyclades, the islands of the eastern Aegean and the Dodecanese, generally clear weather. In the rest of the country, temporary clouds with temporary local rains. Isolated storms will occur mainly in the central and northern continental areas during the midday and evening hours. In the evening the weather will improve.

The winds will blow west northwest 3 to 5 and in the seas locally 6 Beaufort.

The temperature will drop slightly.


Generally clear weather, with temporary clouds in the midday and afternoon hours in the continental mainly mountainous areas.

The winds will blow north northwest 3 to 5 and in the Aegean locally 6 Beaufort.

The temperature will rise slightly mainly in the continental areas.

Weather: Nightmare scenario for September – Europeans, Americans and Japanese predict ‘hell’

Next September is expected to be warmer than normal in south-eastern Europe (including Greece). This seems to be the result of all the forecasts, issued during August.

According to 89% of the available scenarios (over 310 scenarios) the average September temperature will be higher than normal for the season (reference period: 1993-2016). More specifically, the most likely scenarios are deviations of the order of 1-2°C (38%) and 0-1°C (31%), while the probability of average temperature deviations of more than 2°C is about 19%.

Finally, there is an 11% chance of having a lower than normal average temperature, as reported by

This forecast is based on a total of 350 possible scenarios from the following forecast centers: ECMWF (Europe), UKMO (United Kingdom), Meteo-France (France), JMA (Japan), NCEP (USA), DWD (Germany) and CMCC ( Italy), as provided by the Copernicus Climate Change Service of the European Commission. It is emphasized that long-term forecasts are characterized by great uncertainty and aim to estimate the trend in the monthly and seasonal evolution of average weather conditions.

Variations in temperature on a daily and local basis due to the influence of all kinds of weather systems may differ significantly from the average variation over a period of one or more months over a wider area.

If the worst-case scenario is confirmed, which estimates that the average temperature will rise by two degrees Celsius, then conditions will be significantly warmer.

Weather: What happened in September 2023

However, it is recalled that “September 2023 was the warmest September ever recorded on a global scale” and broke the previous record by an impressive margin, continuing the series of global monthly records that began in June, as announced by the European Copernicus Observatory .

September 2023 was “1.75°C warmer than the average September in the period 1850-1900”, the pre-industrial reference period, before human-made greenhouse effect started, according to the climate change service Copernicus (C3S).

In the past days, Achaia recorded some of the highest temperatures in the country. In fact, in Vrachneika on the 15th of August the mercury rose to 42.1 degrees Celsius and was the highest reading in the whole country. Furthermore, the average maximum temperature in the country was equal to 35.2 °C, while 174 of the 488 active stations (at the present time) recorded temperatures above 37 °C, of ​​which 30 recorded temperatures above 40 °C.

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#days #showers #storms #rain



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