Three cities will resonate with “Waltz”

Dince the twilight of the 1930s, every year in Vienna begins with a concert of classical music on New Year’s morning (at 11:15 am), given by their Philharmonic Orchestra in the Goldener Saal of the Musikverein. The music played there is mainly that of the Strauss dynasty.

The Viennese who have not been forty for a long time keep in a corner of their memory the slow arias of “Overture to The Bat”, of “Under thunder and lightning” and “Valse de l’Empereur” between other celebrations. But few young people know the name of their composer. This is the “king of the waltz”: Johann Strauss II, known as Johann Strauss son. Emblematic figure of the waltz and great author of dance music and operettas. It must be said that his two younger brothers, Josef and Eduard, also composers of light music, never had the notoriety of their older brother.

Waltz or the Vienna-style concert

«Devoted to the Viennese waltz and whose tradition dates back to 1939, (said) concert generally ends with three encores following the main program. The first is traditionally a quick polka. The second is Johann Strauss II’s ‘The Blue Danube Waltz’, the introduction of which is interrupted by applause from the audience. The musicians then collectively wish the audience a happy new year, then play the piece followed by ‘Radetzky’s March’ by Johann Strauss. During this last piece, the public claps their hands in rhythm and the conductor turns to him to conduct it jointly with the orchestra.“, we read in the press kit of the OPM.

It is in the greatest tradition of these concerts generally given in Vienna on the occasion of the New Year, that the OPM and Mehdi Lougraïda give us an appointment for a series of concerts soberly entitled “Valsez”: in Oujda at the Théâtre Mohammed VI, March 20 at 6 p.m.; Casablanca at the Mohammed VI Theater, March 22, 23 and 24 at 8 p.m.; Rabat at the Mohammed V Theater on March 25 at 6 p.m. (another concert will be given there at 8:30 p.m.).

The menu !

“The Bat Overture” by Johann Strauss II;
“Under Thunder and Lightning” by Johann Strauss II;
«Let the Hungarian (polka)» de Johann Strauss II;
“Voice of Spring (Waltz)” by Johann Strauss;
“Hungarian Dance No. 1” by Brahms;
“Emperor’s Waltz” by Johann Strauss II;
«Pizzicato Polka» Johann Strauss II;
“Hungarian Dance” No. 5 by Brahms;
«Tritsch-Tratsch Polka» de Johann Strauss II;
“The Beautiful Blue Danube” by Johann Strauss.



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