Three AP-HP integrated cancer research sites (SIRIC) labeled by the National Cancer Institute (INCa)

SIRIC CARPET, Cancer Research for PErsonalized Medicinecoordinated by Professor Pierre Laurent-Puig, certified since 2012, has been renewed, in the same way as SIRIC We care, Cancer United Research Assosciating Medicine, University and Societycoordinated by Professor Marc Sanson, certified since 2017. The SIRIC InsiTu application, Insights into cancer : from inflammation to Tumor : prevent, intercept, curecoordinated by Professor Valérie Paradis, has demonstrated the scientific excellence required by this system and will be labeled from 2023 for a period of 5 years.

These results illustrate the excellence of translational research in oncology carried out by teams from AP-HP, Université Paris Cité, Sorbonne University, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, CNRS and Inserm.

The three winning projects relate to original and complementary scientific approaches, partly co-designed by patients, with the major contribution of data sciences and artificial intelligence in the field of precision medicine.

For more information: read the press release



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