Threads: The New Social Network with Voice Functionality Gaining Popularity

2023-12-17 14:38:35

Who said you only know how to have fun on Twitter ? THE developers of Threads do not hesitate to recover the best ideas from the application recently bought by Elon Musk then rename it to X to add them before the competition. And it allows you to see and hear very, very strange things but each one more funny and embarrassing than the other.

Threads: barely 3 days and already having problems?

Threads has been available since Thursday, December 15 in France and Europe, where Americans have already been able to write their lives for several months. The reason was rather simple to understand, since the regulations of the two geographical zones are largely different, and Threads had to comply with them before entering French territory.. Overall, the network might be presented as a clone or counterfeit of the old Twitter, in total loss of speed since the takeover by Elon Musk and his controversial decisions. Fans even have fun finding the 7 differences between the two social networks because they are so similar. If one offers 280 characters max (in its free version), Threads offers 500. The new Twitter is experimenting with voice messages via only IOS users for now, they are already available to everyone on Threads. People can’t belch and flatulate freely on X, they can on Threads…

Threads which uses the same functionalities as Twitter

December 16, 2023

Local Internet users were therefore able to try this new social network and test this functionality unknown to them until now. Although it has been possible to create them for a long time on more private and intimate networks like Messenger or Discord, This is the first time that a microblogging application has made it possible to do this on a large scale, in order to share one’s voice and messages with an entire section of the Internet. And this gives results… strange and hilarious. It is still too early to define whether this is a good or bad idea on Meta’s part, but what is certain is that X users already like to make fun of it and laugh regarding it. Added to this are the jokes regarding the youth of the medium, the fact that the arguments are more intense in vocals, and the ability to respond to someone with a burp or fart mean that this new functionality risks very quickly sinking into decadence.


Is that Threads?

December 16, 2023


On Threads you can use vocals in your posts and people can respond vocally??? It’s so funny

December 14, 2023



December 15, 2023


#Threads it’s already starting to go to shit ptdrrrr #ThreadsApp

December 16, 2023


You have to deactivate the vocals I think @Inoxtag

December 15, 2023


Me who has to string together a hagra, a Threads and a valve session on Twitter

December 16, 2023


So this is the application threads

December 16, 2023


wait but the voice function is a fucking banger

December 15, 2023


I’m dead it’s really a Golmon network lol

December 15, 2023


This audio reaction story on Threads really pisses me off ud83dude2d

December 16, 2023


I’m so looking forward to the audio mess on threads

December 15, 2023


for those who are not on threads I will give you a little overview it’s a gift

December 16, 2023


audio confusion on threads

December 16, 2023


I’m dead I open Threads and there it gets confused in voice instead of commenting miss france ud83dude2dud83dude2dud83dude2d

December 16, 2023


it’s crazy to be verbally insulted in comments on threads

December 16, 2023


Threaded voice is a genius idea

December 16, 2023


Threads > X

(Just because people respond with vocal farts, it’s funny)

December 16, 2023


So on Threads we can respond by voice? IN VOCAL??? Do you realize that this is the crazy thing that X was missing?

December 15, 2023


First Threads all time: just below there is a guy who put a voice saying he’s shitting, let’s uninstall the app

December 15, 2023


The real revolution of Threads is the possibility of posting your prouts in voice

December 15, 2023

Otherwise, tonight was the Miss France election! A subject which caused a huge reaction from Internet users, especially when the favorite did not win the competition…

By Lucas Mollard

Lucas, journalist by training and profession and great fan of strategy games, RTS and other card games. Roleplayer at heart with a capricious die 20. The joy of living and ham, that’s the secret to happiness.

#barely #released #feature #wrong #tweets

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