Thousands at the funeral of the lone soldier Jordan Cooper who died of an allergic reaction

Reserve fighter Jordan Cobin Cooper died yesterday (Monday) as a result of an allergy complication. He immigrated to Israel as a lone soldier and after his service returned to the USA. With the outbreak of the war, Cooper returned to Israel and served since October 7 for about 200 days as a reserve soldier in the 6228 patrol battalion of the Alon Brigade (Northern Nahal Brigade).

Thousands at the funeral of the lone soldier Jordan Cooper || Levi Neustadt

Following the many flight cancellations, his family was unable to come to Israel to take part in the funeral and therefore asked the Israeli public to accompany him on his last journey. Thousands of citizens agreed to the request and arrived this evening at the Gani Esther cemetery in Rishon Lezion to attend his funeral.

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