“Those who work should earn at least 500 euros more than those who do not work”, the Open VLD wishes to attract employment

“The difference between work and non-work should be bigger. That’s what everyone says. But if you look at the actual numbers, it’s clear that there’s still a long way to go. travel,” said Justice Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne, who, together with Flemish MP Maurits Vande Reyde, will organize the Open VLD congress next month, “For a free and strong country”. The party presents a number of proposals aimed at widening the difference between those who work and those who do not work. The objective is to bring this difference to 500 euros net per month.

Van Quickenborne and Vande Reyde propose in particular to freeze the increase in allowances. Until this difference is reached. Afterwards, benefits can increase once more, but never faster than the wages of those who work.

The liberals also want to consolidate the various social benefits intended for people who do not work into a single social amount, linked to the will to work and limited in time. Think, for example, of social benefits for energy, internet, housing and public transport. “People who receive this amount can decide for themselves how they spend it,” it read.

Finally, to add a Flemish boost to these federal reforms, the Liberals also advocate broadening and deepening the Flemish employment bonus. This employment bonus, intended for Flemish people who work and do not earn more than 2,500 euros gross per month, can now reach an annual bonus of 600 euros, or 50 euros per month. According to the Open VLD, it is still possible to strengthen it. For example, he wants to extend the employment bonus to all workers, including the self-employed, and recommends tripling the amount. This means that workers might get up to 1,800 euros in tax reduction per year, or 150 euros net more per month.

“Today, people are openly testifying to the fact that it is better for them not to work and to live at the expense of those who do. I absolutely do not approve of this. But we must radically reform the system banish this mentality”, says Mrs Vande Reyde. “Where other parties are making one proposal following another to further discourage work and reward non-work, we want to change the course of the tanker.”



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