those who report gangmastering will have a “reward” permit –

Christian Campigli

The obsession of the Italian left, which has declared war on Italians for over a decade. A short-sighted, ideological, counter-current choice carried out only to win (on paper) a package of three million votes. The crime story on the modification of the parameters for obtaining Italian citizenship recorded a new episode yesterday. Yet another chapter of the usual suspects, grotesquely well-known faces over which stands the symbol of the foresight of the goal-scoring couple, Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli. Aboubakar Soumahoro, leader of the Italia Plural movement, after being disowned (following the infamous judicial troubles of his wife and mother-in-law) by Avs, presented his proposed law on citizenship yesterday in the press room of the Chamber of Deputies.

All we were missing was Soumahoro with lightning citizenship for foreigners

«Italy has been waiting for 32 years for a law capable of recognizing the existence of an Italy rich in plural identities and diversity. My bill will allow those born in Italy to foreign parents, of whom at least one is regularly residing in Italy, to become an Italian citizen immediately, but also those born in Italy to foreign parents of whom, at least one, is an Italian citizen. born in Italy. A foreign minor who has attended a primary or secondary education course, or a professional education and training course, will also become Italian. My bill also reduces the time required to apply for citizenship from 10 to 4 years of residence in Italy, which becomes possible even in the presence of an income requirement or if in possession of a certificate of attendance at a university course or professional training.” In short, a sort of lighter ius soli, added however to a decidedly quicker ius scholae. Soumahoro did not take into account a detail, so to speak, so obvious, so cumbersome that it is impossible to hide: if his idea were voted on and approved by Parliament, from the next day there would be an exponential increase in African immigrants ready for anything just to reach the coasts of our country.

Soumahoro like Salis: “The Beccaria prison must be closed”. The shot

The mechanism would then be as simple as it is irreversible: a couple of Moroccans or Senegalese, Nigerians or Libyans lands in Sicily, Puglia or the Marche. They start working, the woman becomes pregnant and gives birth in Italy. That child would be, from his first cry, an Italian citizen to all intents and purposes. And, for the obvious principle of family ties and the social inclusion of the minor, his parents could no longer be expelled from our country, not even in the face of crimes and convictions. Because the interest of the child, in our system, would prevail. Now, without going into complex technical issues (there are numerous exceptions and very detailed specifications), it is completely obvious to understand how the mirage of a citizenship that is so easy to obtain would be transformed into a sort of enormous multiplier. For the joy (and pockets) of the merchants of human beings. «What if I signed the referendum on citizenship? – asked the native of Bétroulilié – This bill is already there. Here I relaunch: the referendum intervenes on the timing, but with our proposed law we also intervene on the other requirements. The parliamentary path is indispensable. We will absolutely vote for any proposal that contains the elements of my bill.” The man who entered Montecitorio with pride (and no respect for the institutions) with his boots dirty with mud has also filed a second bill, against the exploitation of immigration in undeclared work. «Those who report gangmaster exploitation phenomena are rewarded with a residence permit, accompanied by a professional training course and therefore reintegration into the legal job market». If Aboubakar Soumahoro didn’t exist, we would have to invent him.

Does Soumahoro give me the money?: green turn, Capezzone is a raging river

#report #gangmastering #reward #permit #Tempo
2024-09-30 14:41:32



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