Those who make up ANSES: portraits of women scientists | handles

Doctor in chemistry, I am currently head of the physico-chemical evaluation and analytical methods unit within ANSES’s regulated products evaluation department. My team assesses the identity, physico-chemical properties and analytical methods of substances and chemicals that are the subject of a marketing authorization application. We provide the scientific data needed to assess the risks to human health or the environment. This scientific support function is very enriching because it allows us to exchange with all the assessment professions.

Whether it is to disinfect the house, repel pests or protect crops, we are directly or indirectly in contact with these products. What motivates me in my job is the diversity of the scientific issues encountered, which are directly related to our daily lives.

I also appreciate the possibility of actively contributing to the establishment of new evaluation criteria, which reinforce the requirements of knowledge on chemical substances. Finally, my job allows me to be an actor in the European and national regulatory system and thus to contribute to verifying the safety of chemical products that are sometimes widely used.



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