Thomas Stipsits talks about divorce in an Ö3 interview

Cabaret artist and author Thomas Stipsits (39) and actress Katharina Straßer (39) have been divorced for a year, which became known last week (OÖN reported). “We see each other often, we’re still friends, we both take care of the children. We’re fine,” said Straßer after eight years of marriage. Stipsits spoke in more detail on Ö3 on Sunday about the reasons that led to the divorce.

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Society & Mode

Artist couple Strasser and Stipsits divorced

The couple continues to work together, and their joint feature film “Greece” will be released in a few days.

Artist couple Strasser and Stipsits divorced

“We had long noticed that the atmosphere didn’t fit,” said the 39-year-old in an interview with Claudia Stöckl. “These little things of everyday life, the classic living apart. That was just too much.” In the spring of last year there was a “big talk” in which both partners said: “Maybe it’s better if we split up.” The word ex-wife is still very difficult for him to say, Stipsits said. In order to properly teach their two children (8, 4) how to separate, the couple used divorce mediation: “We talked to them a lot and said that it had nothing to do with them,” said the native of Styria.

The bestselling author describes the current attitude towards life as follows: “On the one hand, there is the feeling, ‘What a pity that we didn’t make it with our relationship’, but also the curiosity about everything that is now coming into my life.” For a new woman in his life he is “not ready yet”.

  • Here you can listen to the Ö3 “Breakfast with me” with Thomas Stipsits.

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