Thomas Stenström Makes a Triumphant Comeback to Gröna Lund: “Totally Worth It!

Thomas Stenström showed off the previously broken foot on stage.

The Gröna Lund audience was as much smocked as it was enthusiastic about the performance.


Thomas Stenström is a well-known showman, and at one point he maybe even took it a little too far.

After an unsuccessful stage jump, the artist seriously injured his foot during a concert at Gröna Lund, but chose to complete it. This was done sitting with the foot on a stool.

After the performance, he was taken to hospital, where it turned out that he had broken his foot. In an interview with Swedish Radio he uttered:

– They say it’s broken. I say: It’s just rock’n’roll, he then told P4 West.

Gröna Lund honored the star with a memorial stone on the amusement field and the winged words were quoted.

Concludes: “It was worth it”

Thomas Stenström ended his tour “Superlativ tour” on Friday when he took Gröna Lund’s big stage and performed his album “Superlativ 97”

Then he chose to address the elephant in the room and show his foot to an enthusiastic and packed audience at Gröna Lund.

– I have to address it somehow, I don’t intend to do it any other way than to do it like this. It was worth it!, he shouts from the Gröna Lund stage.

Thomas Stenström won artist of the year at the Grammy Awards this year and was also nominated in the category “album of the year” for his “Superlativ 97”

What inspired ⁤Thomas Stenström to continue performing despite his broken foot?

Thomas Stenström’s Daring Performance:‌ The Show Must ​Go On, Even⁤ with‌ a Broken Foot

When it ⁢comes to giving a ​memorable ‌performance, Thomas Stenström knows no bounds – not even when it comes‌ to physical limitations. During ⁤a concert⁤ at ‌Gröna Lund, the Swedish artist suffered a ⁤serious injury, breaking ⁣his foot⁤ in‌ a stage mishap. But ​that ⁤didn’t stop him from completing the show, sitting down with his foot propped up ‍on a stool. The⁣ audience was left in awe, equally shocked⁤ and thrilled by the display of dedication to his craft.

The​ incident occurred when Stenström attempted a stage jump, which‍ unfortunately didn’t‌ quite go as planned. Despite the ‌pain and⁣ discomfort, he chose to power through the‌ performance, refusing to let⁤ his ⁢injury⁢ get the better of him. It⁤ was only after the show that he was ⁢taken​ to the hospital, where⁢ the extent ‍of his injury​ was revealed⁤ – a broken foot.

In a‌ characteristic display of humor and nonchalance,⁣ Stenström quipped‍ in an interview with Swedish Radio, “They say it’s broken. I say: It’s just ‍rock’n’roll.” ⁤This ⁣attitude has earned ‌him the respect and admiration of his fans, who⁣ appreciate his commitment to ‍his music and his audience.

As a testament to his bravery‌ and ‌dedication,⁢ Gröna Lund honored Stenström with a memorial stone on⁣ the amusement field, etched with the ⁢words, “It’s⁤ just⁣ rock’n’roll.” This gesture serves as ‌a reminder that, ‌for true ​showmen like Stenström, the show must go⁣ on, no matter what⁤ obstacles come their way.

A True ‌Performer at ​Heart

Thomas Stenström’s performance at Gröna ⁤Lund is a testament to his unwavering passion for music ‌and his ⁢audience. Despite ⁤facing ⁢physical limitations, he refused to let‍ his injury detract from the ‍experience, instead using ​it as an⁣ opportunity to connect ⁣with ⁣his fans on a deeper level. This level of dedication is what sets him apart as a true⁤ performer, always ​willing to push himself to the limits to deliver an unforgettable show.

The Power of⁤ Perseverance

Stenström’s story serves as an⁢ inspiration to‌ us all,⁣ reminding us that obstacles are a natural part of life. It’s how we respond to them that truly matters. By choosing ​to push through the pain and discomfort, Stenström ⁤demonstrated ⁣the power of perseverance and dedication. His⁤ performance ⁢at Gröna Lund will be ⁤remembered for ​years⁤ to come,‌ not just ​for the music,⁤ but for the courage and determination he showed in the face of adversity.

In Conclusion

Thomas Stenström’s ‌daring performance at Gröna Lund is a ⁤testament to his‌ unwavering ​commitment to his ⁢craft ⁢and his ‍audience. Despite breaking his foot, he chose to ⁣power through the show,‍ using his injury as an⁣ opportunity to connect with his fans on a ‍deeper level. This display of bravery and dedication has earned him the ⁣respect and admiration of his fans, and ‌will be remembered for years to‌ come.

Optimized Keywords:

Thomas Stenström

Gröna‌ Lund

Broken foot

Stage injury


⁢ Performance


Memorial stone

Amusement field

Swedish⁤ Radio

Meta Description:

Thomas Stenström’s daring performance at Gröna Lund, where he⁤ broke his foot on stage,⁣ but⁢ still powered​ through ‍the show. Read the​ inspiring⁣ story​ of his bravery and dedication.

– How did Thomas Stenström manage to perform at Gröna Lund with a broken foot?

Thomas Stenström’s Daring Performance: The Show Must Go On, Even with a Broken Foot

When it comes to giving a memorable performance, Thomas Stenström knows no bounds – not even when it comes to physical limitations. During a concert at Gröna Lund, the Swedish artist suffered a serious injury, breaking his foot in a stage mishap. But that didn’t stop him from completing the show, sitting down with his foot on a stool.

The Gröna Lund audience was both shocked and enthusiastic about the performance, with the star’s bravery and dedication earning him a memorial stone on the amusement field, complete with the quote “It’s just rock’n’roll.”

Concludes: “It was worth it”

Thomas Stenström ended his “Superlativ tour” on Friday when he took Gröna Lund’s big stage and performed his album “Superlativ 97”. He chose to address the elephant in the room and show his foot to an enthusiastic and packed audience at Gröna Lund.

“I have to address it somehow, I don’t intend to do it any other way than to do it like this. It was worth it!”, he shouted from the Gröna Lund stage.

What inspired Thomas Stenström to continue performing despite his broken foot?

Thomas Stenström’s decision to continue performing despite his broken foot is a testament to his dedication to his craft and his fans. In an interview with Swedish Radio, he uttered, “They say it’s broken. I say: It’s just rock’n’roll.”

The artist’s bravery and resilience have earned him widespread admiration, and his performance at Gröna Lund will be remembered for years to come. Thomas Stenström won artist of the year at the Grammy Awards this year and was also nominated in the category “album of the year” for his “Superlativ 97”.

The story of Thomas Stenström’s broken foot is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, the show must go on. His performance at Gröna Lund is a testament to the power of perseverance and dedication, and an inspiration to artists and fans alike.

Keyword Tags: Thomas Stenström, Gröna Lund, Broken Foot, Concert, Performance, Rock’n’roll, Swedish Radio, Grammy Awards, Superlativ tour, Superlativ 97.

Optimized Meta Title: Thomas Stenström’s Brave Performance: The Show Must Go On, Even with a Broken Foot

Optimized Meta Description: Thomas Stenström continued to perform despite breaking his foot on stage at Gröna Lund, showing his dedication to his craft and his fans. Read more about his inspiring story.

Header Tags:

H1: Thomas Stenström’s Daring Performance: The Show Must Go On, Even with a Broken Foot

H2: Concludes: “It was worth it”

* H2: What inspired Thomas Stenström to continue performing despite his broken foot?



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